Product Details

"Add vibrant color and texture to your aquarium with Ammannia nesaea. Its striking appearance and easy care make it a must-have plant."

Detailed Description:

  • Introduction: Ammannia nesaea is a captivating aquatic plant that brings vibrant color and texture to your aquarium. With its striking appearance and relatively easy care requirements, it is a popular choice among aquarists. Discover the exceptional qualities of Ammannia nesaea and how it can enhance the aesthetics of your underwater world.

  • Appearance: Ammannia nesaea features delicate, narrow leaves that display stunning shades of red and green. The plant's vibrant coloration adds a dynamic and eye-catching element to any aquascape. The leaves grow in opposite pairs along the stem, creating a visually pleasing arrangement. As the plant grows, it develops an elegant bushy form, adding depth and dimension to the aquarium.

  • Water Conditions: To ensure optimal growth, provide suitable water conditions for Ammannia nesaea in your aquarium. This plant thrives in temperatures ranging from 68°F to 82°F (20°C - 28°C) and prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. It requires moderate to high lighting levels to maintain its vibrant coloration. Additionally, provide a nutrient-rich substrate and supplement the water column with fertilizers to promote healthy growth.

  • Lighting and Substrate: Ammannia nesaea benefits from moderate to high lighting levels. Adequate lighting ensures that the plant receives the necessary energy for photosynthesis and enhances the intensity of its red coloration. As for the substrate, a nutrient-rich substrate is recommended to support the plant's growth. Consider using a mixture of nutrient-rich soil or substrate additives to provide essential nutrients for Ammannia nesaea.

  • Maintenance Level: Ammannia nesaea requires moderate care and maintenance to thrive in the aquarium. Regular pruning is necessary to prevent the plant from becoming too dense and to encourage bushier growth. Trim any excessive or overgrown stems to maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Regularly check for signs of nutrient deficiencies or algae growth and address them promptly to ensure the plant's health and vitality.

  • Compatible Fish: Ammannia nesaea provides numerous benefits to the fish in your aquarium. The dense foliage and intricate structure of the plant offer shelter and hiding places for small fish and fry. Additionally, many fish species, such as tetras, rasboras, and livebearers, appreciate the vibrant colors and natural cover provided by Ammannia nesaea. The plant creates a visually appealing and stimulating environment, promoting the well-being of your aquatic pets.

  • Benefits for the Aquarium Ecosystem: Ammannia nesaea contributes to the overall health and balance of the aquarium ecosystem. The plant helps absorb excess nutrients, reducing the risk of algae blooms and promoting water quality. Its photosynthetic activity also contributes to oxygenation, creating a healthier environment for fish and other aquatic organisms. Furthermore, Ammannia nesaea adds a touch of elegance and vibrancy to the aquascape, enhancing its overall visual impact.

  • Conclusion: Elevate the beauty of your aquarium with Ammannia nesaea, a stunning and vibrant aquatic plant. With its striking appearance and moderate care requirements, it is an excellent addition to any aquascape. Enjoy the rich colors and texture that Ammannia nesaea brings to your underwater world, creating a captivating and dynamic aquatic landscape.

Ammannia Nesaea

SGD 2.00

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