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Product Details
4cm - 5cm
below 2 inch
Very peaceful, but can disturb smaller or slow-moving fish with its rapid movements and relatively large size. Good tankmates include other similarly-sized rainbowfish, characins, danios, barbs, and catfish such as Corydoras. It can also be kept with many species of Rift Lake cichlid, due to its water requirements.
Boesman’s rainbowfish can be quite skittish and do far better when kept in a shoal of at least 6-8, preferably more. The males will also be encouraged to display their best colours in the company of conspecifics. Obviously a suitably-sized aquarium would be required for a very large group.
The fish takes years to develop the blue and yellow colour from plain.
Rainbowfish Melanotaenia Boesemani
Product Options
4 piece
AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng
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