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Product Details


2cm - 4cm



Introducing the captivating Red Ramshorn Snail, an ideal addition to your aquarium that adds a burst of color and fascinating behavior. With its vibrant red shell and unique spiraling shape, this snail is sure to become a focal point of your aquatic display.

Water conditions play a crucial role in maintaining the health and well-being of Red Ramshorn Snails. They thrive in freshwater aquariums with a temperature range of 68-82°F (20-28°C) and a pH level between 7 and 8. Ammonia and nitrite levels should be kept at zero, while nitrate levels should be monitored and maintained at a moderate level to ensure optimal conditions for your snails.

One of the advantages of keeping Red Ramshorn Snails is their ability to coexist peacefully with a wide range of tank mates. They are compatible with most fish species, including peaceful community fish like guppies, tetras, and rasboras. However, caution should be exercised with larger, more aggressive fish that may view the snails as a potential food source. Additionally, it is essential to avoid keeping them with crayfish or certain species of cichlids, as these may prey on the snails.

Feeding Red Ramshorn Snails is a breeze, as they are highly efficient algae eaters and are excellent at cleaning up uneaten fish food and decaying plant matter. They will graze on the algae that naturally forms in the aquarium, helping to maintain a clean and balanced ecosystem. However, if the algae supply becomes insufficient, you can supplement their diet with algae wafers or blanched vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, or cucumber slices.

These snails are known for their exceptional breeding capabilities, and they will lay clusters of gelatinous eggs on aquarium surfaces and plant leaves. The eggs will eventually hatch into small snails, adding even more interest and diversity to your aquarium. However, it's important to keep their population in check to prevent overcrowding, as they can reproduce rapidly under favorable conditions.

In summary, the Red Ramshorn Snail offers an attractive and practical addition to your aquarium. Its vibrant red color, peaceful nature, and efficient algae-eating habits make it a delightful companion for a variety of fish species. Ensure proper water conditions, provide suitable tank mates, and supplement their diet when necessary, and you'll enjoy the beauty and benefits of these captivating snails for years to come.

Red Ramshorn Snail

SGD 1.25

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8 piece


Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng