Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


2cm - 3cm

Care Level



Semi Aggressive

PH Level

6 - 7

NameRed Apple CrabOther Names
Chameleon crabScientific NameMetasesarma aubryiTank size (minimum)5 gallons (~20 liters)Type
Terrestrial crabsKeepingEasyBreedingVery Difficult Size (carapace)2.5 – 4 cm (1 – 1.6 inches)Size across the leg span
7 – 10 cm (3 – 4 inches)Optimal Temperature71 – 79 °F (22 – 26 °C).Water typeFreshwater bowlMoisture70% and higherSubstrate4 – 5 inches (10 – 12 cm)DietMostly herbivore /omnivoreTemperamentSlightly aggressive  Life spanup to 6 yearsColor FormVivid red to dark bluish or purple with orange edges

✦6.5 and 7.5, to replicate their natural habitat.
✦Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (5-15 dGH) is suitable for Red Apple Crabs.
✦Provide efficient filtration and perform regular water changes to maintain excellent water quality.

Tank Mates:
✦Red Apple Crabs are generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful fish, snails, or shrimp.
✦Avoid housing them with aggressive or predatory species that may harm or prey upon the crabs.
✦Suitable tank mates include small, peaceful fish like rasboras, tetras, or dwarf cichlids.
✦It's important to ensure that tank mates are not aggressive towards the crabs and that the aquarium has sufficient hiding places.

Feeding Habits:
✦Red Apple Crabs are omnivorous scavengers and have a diverse diet.
✦They primarily feed on algae, detritus, and decaying plant matter in the aquarium.
✦Supplement their diet with high-quality sinking pellets or flakes suitable for crustaceans.
✦Offer them occasional treats of blanched vegetables, such as spinach, zucchini, or kale.
✦Providing a balanced diet ensures their overall health and vitality.

Care Requirements:
✦Provide a well-established aquarium with ample hiding spots, such as caves, rocks, or driftwood, where Red Apple Crabs can seek shelter.
✦Live plants with broad leaves provide both hiding spots and grazing surfaces for the crabs.
✦Maintain excellent water quality through regular water changes (approximately 10-20% every 1-2 weeks) and proper filtration.
✦Test the water parameters regularly to ensure they remain within the suitable range for Red Apple Crabs.
✦Avoid sudden changes in water parameters, as these can cause stress and negatively impact their health.
✦Monitor their behavior for signs of stress, aggression, or disease, and promptly address any issues that arise.
✦Ensure a secure lid on the aquarium, as crabs are known to be excellent climbers and can escape if given the opportunity.
✦Handle them with care during maintenance, as they have sharp claws and may pinch if they feel threatened.

In conclusion, Red Apple Crabs are a captivating addition to any aquarium. Their vibrant red coloration adds a striking visual element, while their scavenging behavior helps maintain a clean and balanced aquatic environment. By providing the ideal water conditions, selecting compatible tank mates, offering a varied diet, and creating a suitable habitat, you can ensure the health, beauty, and active behavior of your Red Apple Crabs. Don't miss the opportunity to add these unique creatures to your collection - order your Red Apple Crabs today and enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your aquarium!

Red Apple Crab ( OO-3278 )

SGD 5.00

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Qian Hu Jalan Lekar

Suitable Tank Mates for Red Apple Crab ( OO-3278 )