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Product Details
20cm - 20cm
Enhance your aquarium with Barbatus M, a captivating freshwater fish. Its vibrant colors and peaceful demeanor make it a perfect addition to any tank. Discover the beauty of Barbatus M today!"
Detailed Description:
Introducing the Barbatus M, a stunning freshwater fish that will elevate the aesthetics of your aquarium. Known for its vibrant colors and peaceful disposition, this species is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Dive into the world of Barbatus M and create a harmonious aquatic environment that captivates both beginners and seasoned hobbyists.
Key Features:
Vibrant Colors: Barbatus M boasts a mesmerizing array of colors, from striking reds to subtle blues, adding a visually appealing element to your aquarium.
Peaceful Demeanor: Known for their calm and docile nature, Barbatus M makes an excellent choice for community tanks, creating a tranquil atmosphere.
Tank Requirements:
Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for a small group of Barbatus M, providing ample space for swimming and exploration.
Substrate: Choose a fine-grained substrate to mimic their natural habitat, allowing these fish to sift through the substrate in search of food.
Decorations: Incorporate driftwood, rocks, and plants to create hiding spots and territories, fostering a sense of security for Barbatus M.
Water Conditions:
Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C) to ensure the well-being and vitality of Barbatus M.
pH Level: Keep the pH level within the range of 6.5 to 7.5, replicating their native waters and promoting optimal health.
Water Hardness: Aim for a water hardness between 5 to 15 dGH to support their overall well-being.
Tank Mates:
Community-Friendly: Barbatus M is compatible with a variety of peaceful community fish, including tetras, rasboras, and gouramis.
Avoid Aggressive Species: Steer clear of aggressive or territorial species that may disrupt the peaceful dynamics of the tank.
Considerate Pairings: Opt for tank mates with similar size and temperament to ensure a harmonious cohabitation.
Feeding Habits:
Dietary Diversity: Barbatus M is an omnivorous species, accepting both high-quality flakes and pellets as well as live or frozen foods.
Variety is Key: Offer a varied diet, including brine shrimp, bloodworms, and quality flakes, to ensure they receive essential nutrients for vibrant colors and overall health.
Feed in Moderation: Practice moderation in feeding to prevent overeating and maintain optimal health.
Care Tips:
Regular Water Changes: Perform regular water changes to maintain water quality and remove accumulated debris, supporting a healthy environment.
Observation: Regularly observe Barbatus M for any signs of illness or stress, taking prompt action if needed.
Provide Adequate Lighting: Ensure a well-lit tank to enhance the display of their vibrant colors and promote natural behaviors.
Barbatus M is not just a fish; it's a living work of art that adds beauty and tranquility to your aquarium. With its striking colors, peaceful demeanor, and ease of care, Barbatus M is a wonderful choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Elevate your aquatic experience and embark on a journey of discovery with the captivating Barbatus M.
Barbatus Mullus
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