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Product Details

Product Description:
"Enhance your aquarium with a stunning Synodontis Decorus. These captivating freshwater catfish feature unique patterns and are perfect for any aquarium setup. Shop now!"

Detailed Description:

Water Conditions:
- Synodontis Decorus thrives in freshwater aquariums with stable water parameters.
- Maintain a temperature range of 72-80°F (22-27°C) for optimal health.
- Aim for a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.
- Keep the water hardness in the range of 5-12 dGH.

Tank Mates:
- Synodontis Decorus is a peaceful species that can be housed with various tank mates.
- Opt for peaceful fish that won't harass or nip at the catfish's long fins.
- Suitable companions include tetras, gouramis, peaceful cichlids, rasboras, and barbs.
- Avoid aggressive or territorial species that may intimidate or harm the Synodontis Decorus.

Feeding Habit:
- Synodontis Decorus is an omnivorous species with a hearty appetite.
- Offer a balanced diet comprising high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods.
- Supplement their diet with sinking pellets or tablets specifically designed for bottom-dwelling fish.
- Incorporate occasional treats like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia to promote a varied diet.

- Provide ample hiding spots in the aquarium, such as caves, driftwood, or dense vegetation.
- Synodontis Decorus appreciates having plenty of space to swim and explore.
- Maintain good water quality by performing regular water changes and using a reliable filtration system.
- Ensure the tank is securely covered as these catfish have a tendency to jump.
- Keep the lighting moderate to mimic their natural habitat, avoiding excessive brightness.
- Regularly monitor water parameters using test kits to ensure optimal conditions for the catfish.
- Be cautious while handling Synodontis Decorus as their pectoral and dorsal spines can cause injury if mishandled.

- Synodontis Decorus showcases a captivating pattern of black spots and stripes on a pale base color.
- This species can grow up to 6-7 inches (15-18 cm) in length, making them an eye-catching addition to any aquarium.
- They feature long, flowing fins, which add elegance and grace to their overall appearance.

- Synodontis Decorus is a peaceful and social fish that enjoys the company of its own species and other tank mates.
- They are generally active during the night and spend their days hiding or exploring their environment.
- These catfish are known for their unique ability to produce audible sounds by grinding their pectoral spines together.

- Breeding Synodontis Decorus in captivity can be challenging but not impossible.
- Provide a separate breeding tank with fine-grained substrate and ample hiding places.
- Condition the breeding pair with high-quality foods and perform regular water changes.
- Induce spawning by slightly raising the temperature and conducting larger water changes.
- After spawning, remove the eggs and transfer them to a separate rearing tank until they hatch.

Add a touch of elegance to your aquarium with a Synodontis Decorus. With their striking patterns and peaceful nature, these catfish make a captivating addition to any freshwater setup. Order yours today and elevate the beauty of your aquatic haven!

synodontis decorous (SF3271)

SGD 21.60

Product Options

Regular (6 PCS)



Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Qian Hu Jalan Lekar