Product Details
0.5cm - 1cm
"Discover the vibrant Boraras brigittae, also known as the Chili Rasbora! Learn about their care, tank mates, and striking coloration."
Detailed Description:
Boraras brigittae, commonly known as the Chili Rasbora, is a small and colorful freshwater fish that has captured the hearts of aquarium enthusiasts. With its vibrant red coloration and active nature, the Chili Rasbora adds a splash of color and liveliness to any aquarium. In this detailed description, we will explore the care requirements, ideal tank setup, suitable tank mates, and other important aspects of keeping and appreciating Boraras brigittae in your aquarium.
- Striking Coloration: The Chili Rasbora showcases a stunning red coloration throughout its body, which intensifies when the fish is in optimal condition. Their iridescent scales reflect light, creating a captivating shimmer effect.
- Small Size: Boraras brigittae typically reaches a maximum size of around 0.6 to 0.8 inches (1.5 to 2 cm), making them perfect for small aquariums or nano tanks.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 74°F and 80°F (23°C - 27°C) to provide the optimal conditions for Boraras brigittae.
- pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level ranging from 6.0 to 7.5.
- Water Hardness: These fish prefer soft to moderately hard water, with a hardness level ranging from 2 to 12 dGH.
- Filtration and Aeration: Provide gentle filtration and moderate water movement to maintain water quality and oxygenation.
Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: Boraras brigittae can thrive in small aquariums with a minimum tank size of 5 gallons (19 liters). A densely planted tank with open swimming areas is ideal for these active fish.
- Aquascape: Create a natural environment with plenty of live plants, mosses, and floating vegetation. Incorporate driftwood, rocks, and leaf litter to mimic their native habitats and provide hiding places.
- Dim Lighting: These fish prefer subdued lighting conditions, so use floating plants or adjustable lighting to create shaded areas within the tank.
Tank Mates:
- Peaceful Community Fish: Chili Rasboras are peaceful and should be kept with small, non-aggressive fish that occupy different levels of the aquarium, such as small tetras, rasboras, and peaceful dwarf shrimp.
- Avoid Fin-Nippers: Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping species or large, aggressive fish that may intimidate or harm the Chili Rasboras.
Feeding Habit:
- Omnivorous Diet: Boraras brigittae have an omnivorous diet. Offer them a varied diet consisting of high-quality dry flakes, micro-pellets, and small-sized frozen or live foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and micro worms.
- Micropredators: In the wild, these fish feed on small invertebrates and insect larvae. Supplement their diet with occasional live or frozen foods to provide essential nutrients.
- Water Maintenance: Perform regular partial water changes of 25% every week to maintain excellent water quality and remove any accumulated waste.
- Observation and Health: Monitor the overall health and behavior of Boraras brigittae regularly. Look for signs of active swimming, vibrant coloration, and a healthy appetite.
Boraras brigittae, with their vibrant red coloration and active demeanor, bring life and beauty to any aquarium. By providing them with the proper care, a suitable tank setup, and compatible tank mates, you can enjoy their striking presence and appreciate their natural behaviors in your aquatic oasis.
Boraras Brigittae
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