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Product Details


2cm - 3cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Size : 3cm 

Shop our Green King Cobra Guppy Male fish aquarium for a vibrant addition to your aquatic collection. Exquisite beauty awaits!

Detailed Description:

Introducing our Green King Cobra Guppy Male fish aquarium, a captivating aquatic marvel that will transform your home or office space into a vibrant oasis. This stunning fish is renowned for its mesmerizing colors, graceful movements, and unique pattern resembling the majestic King Cobra. With their shimmering green bodies, vibrant fins, and intricate markings, these guppies are sure to captivate the hearts of hobbyists and enthusiasts alike. Let their elegance and beauty add a touch of enchantment to any aquarium setup.

Water Conditions:

Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F and 82°F (22°C and 28°C) for optimal health and vibrant colors.
pH Level: Keep the water slightly acidic to neutral, with a pH range of 6.8 to 7.5.
Hardness: Green King Cobra Guppies thrive in moderately hard water with a hardness level of 8 to 12 dGH.
Filtration: Ensure efficient filtration to maintain clean and clear water, as guppies are sensitive to poor water quality.

Tank Mates:

Peaceful Community Fish: Green King Cobra Guppies are known for their peaceful nature, making them excellent additions to community aquariums. Compatible tank mates include tetras, mollies, swordtails, and other peaceful species.
Avoid Aggressive Fish: It is advisable to avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish such as cichlids and larger predatory species, as they may stress or harm the guppies.
Male-to-Female Ratio: To prevent excessive breeding and minimize aggression between males, maintain a ratio of two or more females per male in the tank.

Feeding Habits:

Omnivorous Diet: Green King Cobra Guppies have an omnivorous feeding habit and readily accept a variety of foods. Offer a balanced diet consisting of high-quality flake or pellet food designed for guppies.
Supplement with Live or Frozen Foods: Enhance their diet with occasional servings of live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to provide essential nutrients and promote optimal health.
Feed in Moderation: Avoid overfeeding, as it can lead to obesity and poor water quality. Feed the guppies small portions multiple times a day, and remove any uneaten food to maintain water cleanliness.


Adequate Space: Provide a well-sized aquarium with a minimum capacity of 10 gallons to allow ample swimming space for the Green King Cobra Guppies.
Vegetation and Hiding Places: Incorporate live or artificial plants, rocks, and driftwood into the aquarium to create hiding spots and mimic their natural habitat.
Regular Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes of 20% to 30% every two weeks to maintain optimal water conditions and remove accumulated toxins.
Disease Prevention: Monitor water parameters, maintain a clean environment, and avoid overcrowding to prevent diseases. Quarantine new fish before introducing them to the main tank to minimize the risk of introducing infections.

In summary, our Green King Cobra Guppy Male fish aquarium offers a splendid opportunity to embrace the allure of nature within your aquatic sanctuary. With their vibrant colors, peaceful nature, and easy care requirements, these guppies will undoubtedly become the centerpiece of your aquarium, enchanting all who lay eyes upon them. Add a touch of elegance and fascination to your aquatic world today!

Green King Cobra Guppy Male ( GP-0003 )

SGD 2.50

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Green King Cobra Guppy Male ( GP-0003 )


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