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Product Details


4cm - 4.5cm



The Copella nattereri, commonly known as Natterer's Hatchetfish, is a stunning and sought-after species that brings a touch of elegance to any aquarium. With its unique body shape and striking coloration, the Natterer's Hatchetfish is a true gem for fish enthusiasts. Let's delve into the detailed care requirements of this remarkable species:

Water Conditions:
- The Natterer's Hatchetfish thrives in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5.
- Maintain the water temperature between 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C) to replicate their native tropical habitat.
- Provide soft to moderately hard water with a dGH range of 4 to 12.

Tank Setup:
- Create a well-planted aquarium with ample floating vegetation to mimic the hatchetfish's natural habitat. This provides shaded areas and a sense of security.
- Use a tight-fitting lid or cover for the tank to prevent potential jumps, as these fish are known for their tendency to leap out of open aquariums.
- Simulate gentle water movement by incorporating a gentle filtration system or employing air stones. Avoid strong currents, as hatchetfish prefer calmer waters.

Tank Mates:
- Natterer's Hatchetfish are relatively peaceful but can be easily intimidated by larger or boisterous tank mates. It is best to keep them in a species-specific tank or with small, non-aggressive fish.
- Suitable tank mates include peaceful tetras, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, and smaller catfish species. Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish that could stress or harm the hatchetfish.

Feeding Habits:
- Natterer's Hatchetfish are omnivorous and primarily feed on small insects, insect larvae, and other small invertebrates in their natural habitat.
- Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality flake or pellet foods supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.
- It is important to provide small food particles that float at the water's surface, as hatchetfish primarily feed from this zone.

- Ensure water quality by regularly testing parameters and maintaining excellent filtration. Perform partial water changes to keep the water clean and maintain optimal conditions.
- Monitor the hatchetfish's behavior, appetite, and overall appearance daily to detect any signs of illness or stress. Quarantine new fish before introducing them to the main tank to prevent potential diseases.
- Provide a well-balanced and varied diet to ensure the hatchetfish receives proper nutrition.
- Lastly, create a peaceful and stress-free environment with suitable tank mates and adequate hiding spots to allow the hatchetfish to display its natural behavior.

In conclusion, the Copella nattereri, or Natterer's Hatchetfish, is a rare and captivating species that adds grace and beauty to your aquarium. With proper care and attention to their water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and overall well-being, you can enjoy the enchanting presence of these remarkable fish.

Spotted Tetra (Copella Nattereri)

SGD 3.00

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