Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


2cm - 3cm

Size : 2cm - 3cm 

Introducing the Chocolate Gourami Fish Aquarium: Create a stunning aquatic world with our premium tank designed for chocolate gouramis. Perfect for beginners and experts alike.

Detailed Description:

Are you ready to embark on an aquatic adventure? Our Chocolate Gourami Fish Aquarium offers a captivating and mesmerizing display, allowing you to bring the beauty of these unique and captivating fish into your home. Whether you are a seasoned aquarium enthusiast or just starting your journey, this aquarium provides the perfect habitat for chocolate gouramis, showcasing their elegance and grace.

 Water Conditions:

✦Chocolate gouramis thrive in soft, acidic water conditions. 
✦Maintain a pH level between 5.0 and 6.5, and a water hardness of 2-5 dGH.
✦The water temperature should be kept between 75°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C), ensuring a warm and comfortable environment for your fish.

 Tank Mates:

✦Chocolate gouramis are peaceful and gentle fish, making them compatible with a variety of tank mates.
✦ They prefer the company of their own species, so consider having a small group of 4-6 gouramis in the tank.
✦Ideal tank mates include small and peaceful community fish such as tetras, rasboras, dwarf corydoras, and small catfish. 
✦Avoid aggressive or fin-
nipping species.

 Feeding Habit:

✦Chocolate gouramis are omnivorous, and their diet should consist of a combination of live, frozen, and high-quality dry foods.
✦Offer them a variety of small live or frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. ✦Supplement their diet with high-quality dry flakes or pellets specially formulated for gouramis.
✦Feed them small portions 2-3 times a day, ensuring they consume the food within a few minutes. Avoid overfeeding to maintain optimal health.

 Tank Setup and Care:

✦Our Chocolate Gourami Fish Aquarium is thoughtfully designed to meet the specific needs of these magnificent fish. The aquarium size should be a minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) to provide ample space for their comfortable movement.
✦Create a well-planted tank with floating plants like Amazon frogbit or Indian almond leaves to provide shade and replicate their natural habitat.
✦Incorporate hiding places with driftwood, rocks, and caves, as chocolate gouramis appreciate shelter and territorial boundaries.
✦Regular water maintenance is crucial. Perform weekly partial water changes of 20-30% to keep the water quality pristine and ensure a healthy environment for your fish.
✦Use a reliable water test kit to monitor the parameters and adjust as needed. Also, invest in a quality aquarium heater and filter to maintain a stable and clean environment.

In summary, our Chocolate Gourami Fish Aquarium offers a captivating and immersive experience for fish enthusiasts. With careful attention to water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and overall care, you can provide these delightful fish with a thriving and harmonious environment. Create your own aquatic masterpiece and let the enchanting beauty of chocolate gouramis mesmerize you and your guests.

Chocolate Gourami ( GR-0172 )

SGD 20.00

Product Options

Chocolate Gourami ( GR-0172 ) x8pcs



Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Qian Hu Jalan Lekar