Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


3cm - 3cm

Care Level




PH Level

6 - 8

around 3 cm

Introducing the Skunk Botia Loach - A Vibrant and Hardy Fish Aquarium Delight. Perfect for Any Aquatic Enthusiast. Buy Now!

Detailed Description:

Species Name: Skunk Botia Loach (Yasuhikotakia morleti)
Common Names: Skunk Loach, Skunk Botia, Skunk Clown Loach
Size: Can grow up to 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length.
Lifespan: With proper care, can live up to 10-15 years in captivity.
Origin: Indigenous to Southeast Asia, particularly found in rivers and streams of Indonesia and Malaysia.

Vibrant and captivating, the Skunk Botia Loach showcases a distinctive black and white striped pattern resembling a skunk, hence its name.
Its elongated body is covered in small scales and features four pairs of barbels, enhancing its visual appeal.

Water Conditions:
Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 75-86°F (24-30°C).
pH Level: Prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, ideally around 6.5-7.5 pH.
Water Hardness: They tolerate a wide range of hardness levels, but ideally, maintain it between 5-15 dGH.
Filtration: Provide efficient filtration to maintain excellent water quality, as Skunk Botia Loaches are 
sensitive to poor water conditions.

Tank Setup:
Tank Size: Minimum tank size of 30 gallons (114 liters) is recommended for a small group of Skunk Botia Loaches.
Substrate: Use soft sand or rounded gravel as the substrate to mimic their natural riverbed habitat.
Plants and Decorations: Provide ample hiding spots using rocks, caves, and driftwood. Include some dense plantings, such as Java Fern or Anubias, to create a comfortable environment.
Lighting: Moderate lighting is suitable, replicating their natural habitat.

Tank Mates:
Skunk Botia Loaches are social and prefer living in groups of 3-6 individuals. Keep them in a peaceful community tank with compatible species, such as:
Tetras (Neon Tetra, Rummy Nose Tetra)
Corydoras Catfish
Rasboras (Harlequin Rasbora, Galaxy Rasbora)
Dwarf Gouramis
Peaceful bottom-dwelling fish (Kuhli Loaches, Bristlenose Plecos)

Feeding Habits:
Skunk Botia Loaches are omnivorous and have a hearty appetite. Offer them a varied diet consisting of:
High-quality sinking pellets or wafers formulated for bottom-dwelling fish.
Frozen or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables like zucchini or cucumber.
Occasionally provide small amounts of live or frozen meaty foods, such as blackworms or small insects.

Regular water testing and maintenance are essential to ensure optimal water conditions.
Perform partial water changes of 25% every 1-2 weeks to maintain water quality.
Avoid sudden fluctuations in water parameters to prevent stress and diseases.
Provide a well-balanced diet and avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity and digestive issues.
Keep the aquarium tightly covered, as Skunk Botia Loaches are known to be skilled jumpers.

The Skunk Botia Loach is a captivating addition to any aquarium, with its striking appearance and lively personality. With proper care and a suitable tank setup, they can thrive in your aquatic haven for many years to come. Enjoy observing their playful antics!

Skunk Botia Loach LK0235

SGD 2.50

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Qian Hu Jalan Lekar

Suitable Tank Mates for Skunk Botia Loach LK0235