Product Details

Add vibrant color to your aquarium with Xyris sp. Red. This striking plant brings bold hues and natural beauty to aquatic settings.


  • Xyris sp. Red is a captivating aquatic plant known for its vibrant red coloration and unique appearance.
  • Originating from wetlands and marshy areas, this plant adds a splash of color and visual interest to aquariums.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Xyris sp. Red thrives in tropical aquariums with temperatures ranging from 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C).
  • pH Levels: Prefers slightly acidic to neutral conditions, ideally between 6.0 to 7.5.
  • Lighting: Requires moderate to high lighting to maintain its vibrant red coloration.

Maintenance Level:

  • Moderate Maintenance: Xyris sp. Red requires regular care to thrive, including adequate lighting, nutrient supplementation, and occasional pruning.
  • Substrate: Flourishes in nutrient-rich substrates, and the addition of root tabs supports its growth and coloration.

Key Features:

  • Vibrant Red Coloration: The standout feature of Xyris sp. Red is its striking red color, adding a bold and eye-catching element to aquarium landscapes.
  • Grass-Like Appearance: With its narrow, linear leaves, this plant resembles grass and creates a dynamic visual effect in the aquarium.

Functional Benefits:

  • Oxygenation: Xyris sp. Red contributes to oxygenation, promoting a healthier environment for fish and other aquatic inhabitants.
  • Habitat Enhancement: Mimics the natural habitat of wetlands and marshes, providing shelter and refuge for small fish and invertebrates.

Compatibility with Fish:

  • Community Aquariums: Xyris sp. Red is suitable for community aquariums, coexisting harmoniously with peaceful fish species like tetras, rasboras, and gouramis.
  • Shrimp Tanks: Shrimp species such as cherry shrimp and Amano shrimp appreciate the dense foliage of Xyris sp. Red as a grazing area and refuge.


  • Runners: Propagate by separating healthy runners or offshoots from the parent plant and replanting them in suitable areas of the aquarium.
  • Steady Growth: While not a fast grower, Xyris sp. Red provides steady growth under optimal conditions, gradually expanding to fill its designated space.


  • Nutrient Requirements: Ensure adequate nutrient levels, including iron supplementation, to maintain the plant's vibrant red coloration.
  • Algae Control: Monitor lighting and nutrient levels to prevent algae overgrowth, which can detract from the plant's appearance.

Xyris sp Red

SGD 10.00

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