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Product Details



    • the natural habitat of the pencilfish by providing a well-planted aquarium with subdued lighting and floating vegetation.
    • Pencilfish often come from blackwater environments, so soft, acidic water conditions may be beneficial.
  1. Diet:

    • Pencilfish are generally omnivores, and their diet may include high-quality dry foods, live or frozen foods, and small live insects.
    • Offer a varied diet to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.
  2. Social Behavior:

    • Pencilfish are known for their peaceful nature, and they are best kept in groups to promote natural behaviors.
    • Avoid keeping them with aggressive or large species that might intimidate them.
  3. Tank Mates:

    • Choose tank mates carefully. Pencilfish may do well with other peaceful community fish of similar size.
  4. Water Parameters:

    • Pencilfish often prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Regular water changes can help maintain water quality.
  5. Breeding:

    • Pencilfish may exhibit interesting breeding behaviors. If breeding is a goal, provide suitable conditions and consider a separate breeding tank.

Rocket pencilfish 3cm

SGD 4.40

Product Options

Rocket pencilfish



Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye