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Product Details

5cm - 6cm

Osteogaster mclurei, also known as CW16, is a species of Corydoras catfish. Here’s a brief overview of this fish:
- Coloration: Osteogaster mclurei, or CW16, typically features a distinctive coloration with a pale base color and dark spots or bands. The pattern and coloration can vary but often include striking contrasts.
- Size: This species generally grows to about 2.5 to 3 inches (6 to 7.5 cm) in length.
Behavior and Temperament
- Temperament: They are peaceful and social fish, making them suitable for community tanks. They are known for their calm nature and active bottom-dwelling behavior.
- Social Behavior: Like other Corydoras, they should be kept in groups of at least 4-6 individuals to ensure they feel secure and to exhibit natural schooling behavior.
Tank Requirements
- Tank Size: A minimum of a 20-gallon (75 liters) tank is recommended for a small group. Larger tanks are better if you plan to keep a larger group.
- Substrate: A soft substrate such as fine sand or smooth gravel is best to protect their barbels.
- Water Conditions:
- Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C).
- pH: Slightly acidic to neutral, around 6.0-7.5.
- Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (2-12 dGH) is preferred.
- Omnivorous: Osteogaster mclurei are omnivores and will accept a variety of foods. Offer high-quality sinking pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia, as well as occasional vegetable matter.
Osteogaster mclurei is a beautiful and engaging fish, ideal for adding interest to a community aquarium.
Osteogaster Mclurei CW16
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