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Product Details


17cm - 18cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

L282 King Galaxy Cactus

 17 - 18 cm

The L282 King Galaxy Cactus, also known as the King Galaxy Pleco, is a magnificent and sought-after fish species that will bring a touch of elegance to your aquarium. Here's everything you need to know about this stunning pleco:

  • Size and Appearance: The L282 King Galaxy Cactus is known for its distinctive and eye-catching appearance. It can grow up to 12-15cm (4.7-5.9 inches) in length, showcasing a striking pattern of black and white spots on its body. Its body shape is elongated, and it possesses a large dorsal fin that adds to its regal appearance.

  • Temperament and Behavior: This pleco species is generally peaceful and can be kept in a community aquarium with other non-aggressive fish species. However, they may exhibit territorial behavior, especially when breeding or if kept in cramped conditions. Providing ample hiding places and sufficient space will help alleviate any potential aggression.

  • Water Conditions: The L282 King Galaxy Cactus thrives in well-maintained aquariums with stable water parameters. Aim for a temperature range of 24-28°C (75-82°F) and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. It is essential to maintain excellent water quality by performing regular water changes and using efficient filtration.

  • Tank Setup: Create a suitable environment for the L282 King Galaxy Cactus by providing a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves, driftwood, and rock formations. These plecos appreciate a soft substrate, which mimics their natural habitat, and the addition of live plants can create a more natural and aesthetically pleasing setup.

  • Feeding Habits: The L282 King Galaxy Cactus is primarily herbivorous and will thrive on a diet that includes high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, and fresh vegetables. Supplement their diet with occasional live or frozen foods, such as bloodworms or brine shrimp, to provide variety and additional protein.

  • Breeding: Breeding the L282 King Galaxy Cactus can be challenging, as they require specific conditions and a well-established bond between a compatible pair. Provide them with caves or hollow structures for spawning, and maintain pristine water conditions to increase the chances of successful breeding.

  • Care and Maintenance: Regular tank maintenance, including water parameter monitoring, routine water changes, and tank cleaning, is crucial for the health and well-being of the L282 King Galaxy Cactus. Avoid using sharp or abrasive objects for cleaning, as they can damage the pleco's delicate skin.

  • Tank Mates: The L282 King Galaxy Cactus can coexist with other peaceful fish species that prefer similar water conditions. Choose tank mates that are not overly aggressive or fin-nippers, as the pleco's long fins may be a target for harassment. Suitable tank mates include tetras, rasboras, and peaceful cichlids.

The L282 King Galaxy Cactus is a captivating and exquisite addition to any aquarium. With its unique coloration, graceful presence, and intriguing behavior, it is sure to become a centerpiece in your aquatic display. Providing them with proper care, suitable tank mates, and a well-maintained environment will ensure their longevity and showcase their true beauty.

L282 King Galaxy Cactus

SGD 385.00

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye

Suitable Tank Mates for L282 King Galaxy Cactus