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Product Details
10cm - 12cm
L144 Blue Eye Bristlenose Longfin Pleco, or Ancistrus sp., is a color and finnage variation of the popular freshwater fish species, Bristlenose Pleco. They are named for their long, flowing fins and striking blue eyes, which make them a favorite among aquarium hobbyists. These plecos are small in size, usually growing up to 4-5 inches in length, and are known for their peaceful nature and ability to keep aquariums clean by eating algae. L144 Blue Eye Bristlenose Longfin Plecos require a well-maintained aquarium with plenty of hiding places and a varied diet. They are popular for their unique and elegant appearance and are suitable for community aquariums.
L144 Blue Eye Bristlenose Longfin Pleco
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L144 Blue Eye Bristlenose Longfin Pleco
The 181 Aquarium
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