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Product Details
The Cherry Shrimp, also known as Neocaridina davidi var. "Cherry," is a popular and colorful species of freshwater shrimp known for its vibrant red coloration and peaceful nature. This set includes five Cherry Shrimp specimens, each measuring approximately 1.5cm in length. With their bright appearance and active movements, these shrimp bring a lively and eye-catching presence to any aquarium. Let's explore a detailed description of these fascinating shrimp, including essential information on water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and care.
- Vibrant Red Coloration: Cherry Shrimp exhibit a vibrant red hue, creating a beautiful and eye-catching display in your aquarium.
- Small Size: With an average length of 1.5cm, these shrimp are petite and add a sense of delicacy to your aquatic setup.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Cherry Shrimp thrive in a tropical environment with temperatures ranging from 68°F to 78°F (20°C to 26°C).
- pH Level: Maintain a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 for optimal health and well-being.
- Water Hardness: Aim for a moderate water hardness level between 4 and 8 dGH.
- Filtration: Ensure efficient filtration and provide clean and well-oxygenated water for the shrimp's well-being.
Tank Mates:
- Peaceful Community Fish: Cherry Shrimp are peaceful and can coexist with other calm and non-aggressive fish species such as Tetras, Rasboras, Guppies, and Corydoras.
- Non-Predatory Invertebrates: They are compatible with other peaceful shrimp species, snails, and small, non-predatory crayfish.
Feeding Habit:
- Omnivorous Diet: Cherry Shrimp are omnivores and will consume a variety of food sources.
- Algae and Biofilm: They graze on algae and biofilm that naturally grow in the aquarium, helping to maintain a clean and healthy environment.
- Supplemental Feeding: Offer high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, blanched vegetables, or specialized shrimp foods to ensure a well-rounded diet.
- Tank Size: Provide a suitable aquarium of at least 5 gallons (19 liters) to accommodate a group of Cherry Shrimp comfortably, allowing ample space for their movement and feeding.
- Water Quality: Monitor water parameters regularly and perform routine water changes to maintain excellent water quality.
- Substrate: Utilize a fine-grained substrate that allows the shrimp to forage and explore.
- Hiding Places: Create hiding spots using live plants, driftwood, or rock formations to provide security and cover for the shrimp.
- Lighting: Provide moderate lighting levels, as excessive brightness can stress Cherry Shrimp. Use floating plants or diffuse the light to create shaded areas.
Cherry shrimp 1.5cm x 5pc
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FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye
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