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Gnathonemus Petersii, or Elephant Nose Fish, is a unique freshwater species known for its electro-sensing abilities. Perfect for expert aquarists seeking a challenge!

Detailed Product Description


Gnathonemus Petersii, commonly known as the Elephant Nose Fish, is a fascinating freshwater species native to the slow-moving rivers and murky waters of West Africa. Known for its elongated, trunk-like mouth and advanced electroreception abilities, this nocturnal fish is a captivating addition to well-maintained aquariums. Due to its specific care requirements and sensitivity, it is best suited for experienced aquarists.

Key Features

✔ Unique and intelligent fish with electro-sensing capabilities
✔ Nocturnal species that thrives in dimly lit aquariums
✔ Requires soft, acidic water with stable parameters
✔ Best kept in species-only or peaceful community tanks
✔ Prefers live or frozen foods over dry pellets

Water Conditions & Tank Setup

To keep Gnathonemus Petersii healthy and stress-free, it's crucial to replicate its natural habitat with soft, acidic water and a well-structured environment.

  • Tank Size: Minimum 50 gallons (for a single fish); larger tanks (100+ gallons) recommended for groups.
  • Water Temperature: 24°C - 28°C (75°F - 82°F)
  • pH Level: 6.0 - 7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral)
  • Water Hardness: 3 - 10 dGH
  • Filtration: High-quality filtration system with gentle flow (preferably a canister filter)
  • Lighting: Low to moderate lighting, as the species is nocturnal
  • Substrate & Décor: Soft sandy substrate with plenty of driftwood, caves, and plants for hiding spots
  • Water Changes: 20-30% weekly to maintain water quality

Tank Mates & Compatibility

Elephant Nose Fish are semi-peaceful but can be territorial towards their own kind, especially in smaller tanks. Proper selection of tank mates is essential to avoid stress and aggression.

Compatible Tank Mates:

  • Peaceful, slow-moving fish (e.g., Congo Tetras, Gouramis, Discus)
  • Bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras Catfish
  • Other non-aggressive fish that prefer soft, acidic water

🚫 Avoid These Tank Mates:

  • Aggressive or fin-nipping fish (e.g., Cichlids, Tiger Barbs)
  • Fast-swimming, hyperactive fish that may outcompete them for food
  • Other Elephant Nose Fish unless in a large, well-structured group

Feeding Habits & Diet

Gnathonemus Petersii are carnivorous and primarily feed on live foods in the wild. They rely on their electroreceptors to locate prey in murky waters.

  • Preferred Diet: Live or frozen bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae
  • Feeding Frequency: 1-2 times per day, preferably during the evening or nighttime
  • Alternative Foods: High-quality frozen foods; some may accept sinking pellets, but live food is highly recommended
  • Feeding Method: Ensure food reaches the bottom, as they feed near the substrate

Care & Maintenance

This species requires a well-maintained tank with stable parameters and a stress-free environment. Sudden changes in water conditions can lead to health issues.

  • Behavior & Activity: Mostly active at night; may hide during the day
  • Common Health Issues: Sensitive to poor water quality; prone to bacterial infections if stressed
  • Handling Caution: Avoid using copper-based medications, as they are highly sensitive to them
  • Longevity: Can live up to 10 years with proper care

Final Thoughts

Gnathonemus Petersii is an extraordinary fish that adds intrigue and intelligence to freshwater aquariums. While their care requirements are demanding, they reward aquarists with their unique behavior and electro-sensory hunting abilities. If you’re an experienced fish keeper looking for a remarkable addition to your aquarium, the Elephant Nose Fish is a fantastic choice!

Gnathonemus Petersii

SGD 12.36

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Gnathonemus Petersii


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