Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


15cm - 16cm

Care Level



Semi Aggressive

PH Level

5 - 8

Introducing the Calico Ryukin - a mesmerizing and eye-catching addition to your aquarium! With its stunning round body, vibrant calico coloration, and elegant flowing fins, this fancy goldfish is sure to become the centerpiece of your aquatic display. Order your Calico Ryukin now and experience the beauty and grace of this remarkable aquatic gem!

The Calico Ryukin showcases a rounded and compact body with a slightly arched back and a deep belly, giving it a distinctive "hunchback" appearance.

Its coloration is a stunning combination of red, orange, black, and white patches, forming a captivating calico pattern that varies from fish to fish.

The long and flowing fins of the Calico Ryukin, including its broad tail fin, enhance its graceful and elegant presence.

Calico Ryukin is a mesmerizing and elegant goldfish that adds beauty and grace to any aquarium. With its rounded body, captivating calico coloration, and flowing fins, it creates a visually stunning display that will captivate both you and your guests. Order your Calico Ryukin today and experience the beauty and grace of this remarkable aquatic gem!

Approx. 5″

Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner

Size of fish – inches: 6.0 inches (15.24 cm)

Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L)

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Aquarium Hardiness: Very Hardy

Temperature: 65.0 to 72.0° F (18.3 to 22.2° C)

Water Hardness: Maintain moderate hardness levels, with a recommended range of 5 to 20 dGH.

Filtration: Efficient mechanical and biological filtration systems are crucial for maintaining clean and healthy water conditions.

Water Changes: Regular partial water changes of about 20% every week are necessary to maintain water quality and remove any accumulated toxins.

Tank Mates:

Compatible Species: Calico Ryukin Goldfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with other goldfish varieties, such as Orandas, Fantails, and Black Moors.

Avoid Aggressive Tank Mates: Avoid housing them with aggressive or fin-nipping species, as the Calico Ryukin's flowing fins may be susceptible to damage.

Size Considerations: Ensure that tank mates are of similar size to prevent any potential bullying or stress.

Feeding Habits:

Balanced Diet: Offer a well-rounded diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, or gel-based foods specifically formulated for goldfish.

Variety is Key: Supplement their diet with occasional treats like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia to provide essential nutrients and stimulate their natural foraging behavior.

Portion Control: Feed small amounts multiple times a day to prevent overeating and maintain water quality.

Care and Maintenance:

Tank Size: Provide ample space for your Calico Ryukin Goldfish by providing a tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons for a single fish. Larger tanks are preferable for a more comfortable environment.

Decor and Substrate: Incorporate smooth decorations and soft substrate to prevent injuries to their delicate fins. Avoid sharp or rough objects that may cause damage.

Ample Oxygenation: Maintain efficient aeration and oxygenation in the tank, as Calico Ryukin Goldfish require well-oxygenated water for their overall well-being.

Regular Monitoring: Regularly check the water parameters, including temperature, pH, and ammonia levels, to ensure a healthy and stable environment for your fish.

Calico Ryukin

SGD 150.00

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Fish Bazaar Pasir Ris

Suitable Tank Mates for Calico Ryukin