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Product Details

12cm - 15cm

The Broadtail Ryukin Goldfish is a type of fancy goldfish known for its distinctive body shape and flowing fins. It is a popular choice among goldfish enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and elegant swimming style. Here's everything you need to know about the Broadtail Ryukin:
- Body Shape: The Ryukin has a deep, egg-shaped body with a prominent hump behind its head. The broadtail variety specifically has wide, flowing fins, including a broad, well-developed tail fin.
- Fins: It has long, flowing dorsal, anal, and caudal (tail) fins, giving it a graceful and elegant appearance in the water.
- Size: Ryukins can grow to about 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) in length when fully grown. Some can even reach 10 inches with proper care.
- Coloration: They come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, white, calico, and various combinations of these colors. Some have metallic or matte finishes.
- Behavior: Broadtail Ryukin Goldfish are generally peaceful, making them great for community tanks with other similarly peaceful goldfish varieties.
- Social Nature: They are social fish and do well when kept in groups with other fancy goldfish.
Tank Requirements:
- Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for a single Ryukin, with at least 10 additional gallons for each additional fish.
- Water Temperature: They prefer cooler water temperatures, ideally between 65-75°F (18-24°C). They can tolerate slightly colder temperatures but should be kept in a stable environment.
- Water Quality: Goldfish, including Ryukins, are known for producing a lot of waste, so a strong filtration system is necessary to maintain good water quality.
- pH Level: The ideal pH for Ryukins is 6.5 to 7.5.
- Tank Setup: Since they have long fins, avoid sharp or jagged decorations that could tear their fins. A well-planted tank with smooth rocks and hiding spots is ideal.
- Feeding: Ryukin Goldfish are omnivores and thrive on a balanced diet of high-quality goldfish pellets or flakes, as well as live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and vegetables like peas and spinach. Be mindful of overfeeding as they are prone to digestive issues.
- With proper care, Broadtail Ryukin Goldfish can live for 10-15 years, and some even reach 20 years or more in optimal conditions.
Special Considerations:
- Swim Bladder Issues: Due to their rounded body shape, Ryukins can be prone to swim bladder problems, which may cause them to have trouble swimming properly or maintaining buoyancy. Feeding them sinking pellets and avoiding overfeeding can help prevent this.
- Fin Care: Their long fins can be delicate, so it's important to keep the water clean and free of sharp objects that might tear their fins. Watch for signs of fin rot, a common condition in goldfish.
- Tank Mates: Ryukins are best kept with other fancy goldfish varieties that share similar swimming speeds and water requirements. Avoid fast-swimming or fin-nipping species like barbs or danios, as these can stress or injure your Ryukin.
- Spawning: Ryukins can be bred in a home aquarium. Males chase females during breeding, and eggs are typically scattered among plants or other decorations. They can breed in both small groups and pairs, but it's best to have separate breeding tanks to control conditions.
- Fry Care: After breeding, the parents should be separated from the eggs as they may eat them. The eggs hatch in 4-7 days, and the fry can be fed powdered or liquid fry food until they grow large enough to eat traditional goldfish food.
Care Level:
- Experience Level: Ryukins are relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for both beginners and experienced goldfish keepers. However, their fin and body structure require careful attention to water quality and tank setup to prevent injury or illness.
In summary, the Broadtail Ryukin Goldfish is a stunning and graceful fish that can thrive in a well-maintained aquarium. With their peaceful temperament and striking appearance, they are a wonderful choice for aquarists who enjoy fancy goldfish varieties.
Broadtail Ryukin Goldfish
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