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Product Details


19.5cm - 20cm

Care Level




PH Level

6 - 8


Crencichla saxitilis, commonly known as the Pike Cichlid or Pike Dwarf Cichlid, is a fascinating and captivating species that can be a great addition to your aquarium. With its unique appearance and interesting behavior, this cichlid is sure to capture the attention of any fish enthusiast. Here's a detailed description of Crencichla saxitilis, including its habitat, care requirements, and compatibility.

  • Appearance: Crencichla saxitilis displays a beautiful and distinct coloration. It has a brownish-yellow base color with darker vertical bars running along its body. The fins are adorned with intricate patterns and hues of yellow, black, and red. This combination of colors creates an eye-catching and attractive appearance that is sure to impress.

  • Size: Adult Pike Cichlids can reach a size of around 20 centimeters (8 inches), making them a medium-sized cichlid suitable for larger aquariums. It's essential to provide enough space for their growth and to ensure they have ample swimming room.

  • Habitat and Water Conditions: Crencichla saxitilis is native to South America, specifically the Amazon River basin and its tributaries. In captivity, they thrive in well-maintained aquariums with water conditions resembling their natural habitat. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. The temperature should be kept between 24-28°C (75-82°F). Maintaining good water quality is crucial, so regular water changes and filtration are essential.

  • Tank Setup: Provide ample swimming space for your Pike Cichlid by choosing a larger aquarium with a minimum capacity of 100 liters (26 gallons) or more. Decorate the tank with a mix of rocks, driftwood, and plants to mimic their natural environment. Be sure to leave enough open swimming areas for the cichlid to move freely. They appreciate the presence of caves and hiding spots where they can establish their territories and seek shelter.

  • Feeding Habits: Crencichla saxitilis is a carnivorous species with a hearty appetite. They are opportunistic feeders and will readily accept a variety of foods. Offer them a diet consisting of high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small crustaceans. Providing a varied diet helps promote optimal health and vibrant coloration.

  • Temperament and Tankmates: Pike Cichlids are known for their territorial and aggressive nature. They should be kept with caution and in larger aquariums with compatible tankmates. Avoid housing them with smaller, timid fish that may become targets of aggression. Instead, choose robust and similarly sized fish that can hold their ground. Other South American cichlids and larger tetras can make suitable companions.

  • Breeding: Breeding Pike Cichlids in captivity can be challenging but rewarding. They are typically substrate spawners, with the female laying eggs on flat surfaces or in caves. Providing suitable spawning sites, such as flat rocks or PVC pipes, can encourage breeding behavior. The parents guard and care for their fry, so providing adequate hiding places for the young is essential.

Crencichla saxitilis is a captivating cichlid species that offers unique colors and behavior to any aquarium. With proper care, a suitable tank setup, and compatible tankmates, you can enjoy the beauty and fascinating nature of this species. Just ensure you understand their territorial tendencies and provide an appropriate environment to promote their well-being. Whether you're an experienced cichlid keeper or an enthusiast looking to take on a new challenge, the Pike Cichlid is sure to make a captivating addition to your aquatic collection.

Crencichla saxitilis

SGD 155.29

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