Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


5cm - 6cm

Care Level




PH Level

5.8 - 7.2

Photo credit to the owner. 
The image is only the representative of the species but not the actual product.

The L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco, scientifically known as Scobinancistrus aureatus, is a captivating and highly sought-after species that will undoubtedly enhance the beauty of your aquarium. With its radiant golden coloration and intricate patterns, this pleco stands out as a true gem among freshwater fish. Here's a detailed description of the L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco, including its preferred water conditions, suitable tank mates, feeding habits, and care requirements.

Key Features:

  1. Vibrant Golden Coloration: The L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco showcases a stunning golden hue that shimmers and sparkles under the aquarium lights. Its bright and vibrant color adds a touch of elegance and luxury to any aquarium setup.

  2. Intricate Patterns: This pleco species boasts intricate black markings and patterns that beautifully contrast with its golden body. The combination of bold stripes, spots, and intricate designs creates a visually captivating display.

  3. Peaceful Nature: The L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco is known for its peaceful temperament, making it an excellent choice for community aquariums. It coexists well with other peaceful fish species and is generally non-aggressive towards tankmates.

  4. Unique Shape and Size: This pleco species has a compact body shape with a flattened appearance and a slender, elongated tail. It typically grows to a size of around 6-7 inches (15-18 cm) in length, making it suitable for medium-sized aquariums.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature in the range of 78-82°F (25-28°C) to ensure the well-being of the L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco.
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.5-7.5 for optimal health and longevity.
  • Water Hardness: This pleco species prefers moderately hard water with a hardness level of 5-15 dGH.
  • Filtration: Use a reliable filtration system to maintain water quality and provide good water circulation in the aquarium.

Tank Mates:

The L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco is generally peaceful but may exhibit territorial behavior towards other plecos. Therefore, it is best to house them with other non-aggressive fish species that are compatible with their water requirements and size. Suitable tank mates can include peaceful community fish such as tetras, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, and peaceful barbs. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or overly territorial fish that may stress or harm the pleco.

Feeding Habit:

The L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco is primarily herbivorous and feeds on various types of plant matter and algae. In the aquarium, provide a balanced diet that includes high-quality sinking pellets or wafers specifically formulated for plecos. Supplement their diet with fresh vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and blanched spinach. They may also consume small amounts of meaty foods, such as frozen or live bloodworms and brine shrimp. Ensure that the pleco receives a varied diet to meet its nutritional needs.

Care Requirements:

  • Aquarium Setup: Provide a spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons (113 liters) to accommodate the L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco's active nature. Create hiding spots and provide driftwood or caves where they can retreat and feel secure.
  • Water Quality: Maintain excellent water quality by performing regular water changes, monitoring water parameters, and using a reliable filtration system. Ensure good oxygenation and avoid stagnant areas in the tank.
  • Vegetation and Substrate: Although the L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco primarily feeds on plant matter, it is not necessary to have live plants in the aquarium. However, you can include hardy plant species or utilize artificial decorations to enhance the overall aesthetics.
  • Lighting: Provide moderate lighting in the aquarium, as excessive brightness may cause stress to the pleco. Consider using dimmed or subdued lighting to mimic its natural habitat.
  • Breeding: The breeding behavior of the L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco is not as well-documented as some other pleco species. To encourage breeding, provide suitable caves or hollow driftwood in the aquarium to simulate natural breeding conditions. However, breeding this species successfully in captivity can be challenging.

Adding the mesmerizing L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco to your aquarium will undoubtedly elevate its beauty. With its radiant golden color, unique patterns, peaceful nature, and relatively manageable care requirements, this pleco species is a true gem in the world of freshwater fishkeeping. Ensure you provide a suitable habitat and a well-balanced diet to maintain its health and vibrant appearance. Order your L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco today and enjoy the allure of this extraordinary fish in your own aquarium.

L14 Golden Sunshine Pleco

SGD 66.00

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