Product Details

Transform your aquarium with Myriophyllum Matogrossense. Discover the fish species that thrive in the presence of this stunning aquatic plant.

Detailed Description:

Myriophyllum Matogrossense, also known as Green Mosaic Plant or Brazilian Water Milfoil, is a captivating aquatic plant that adds a lush and vibrant touch to any aquarium. With its feathery, green foliage and graceful branching patterns, Myriophyllum Matogrossense creates a visually striking focal point, resembling a dense underwater forest. Let's explore the characteristics of Myriophyllum Matogrossense and discover some of the fish species that appreciate this plant:

Plant Characteristics:

  • Myriophyllum Matogrossense features delicate, finely divided leaves that range in color from bright green to olive green, creating a visually appealing contrast.
  • The plant forms dense bushy clusters, providing excellent hiding places and refuge for fish.
  • Myriophyllum Matogrossense can be planted in the substrate or allowed to float freely, offering versatility in aquascaping.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Myriophyllum Matogrossense thrives in a range of temperatures, typically between 68°F to 82°F (20°C to 28°C).
  • pH Level: It prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH range, typically between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Lighting: Moderate to high lighting is recommended to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage coloration.

Maintenance Level:

  • Moderate Maintenance: Myriophyllum Matogrossense requires regular care to maintain its health and appearance.
  • Nutrient Requirements: Providing a nutrient-rich substrate or supplementing with liquid fertilizers can enhance its growth and foliage color.
  • Pruning: Occasional pruning may be necessary to manage its size, encourage bushier growth, and maintain a balanced aquascape.

Fishes that Love Myriophyllum Matogrossense:

  • Rainbowfish (e.g., Boesemani Rainbowfish, Turquoise Rainbowfish): Rainbowfish appreciate the dense foliage of Myriophyllum Matogrossense, using it for shelter and creating a stunning contrast against their colorful bodies.
  • Gouramis (e.g., Pearl Gouramis, Dwarf Gouramis): Gouramis enjoy swimming through the fine, feathery leaves, using them as hiding places and for territorial displays.
  • Livebearers (e.g., Swordtails, Platies): Livebearers appreciate the cover and protection offered by the bushy clusters of Myriophyllum Matogrossense, making them feel secure and encouraging natural behaviors.

Benefits of Myriophyllum Matogrossense:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Myriophyllum Matogrossense adds a vibrant and natural element to the aquarium, creating a visually pleasing underwater landscape.
  • Natural Habitat: The dense foliage and branching patterns provide fish with hiding places, spawning sites, and areas for exploration, mimicking their natural habitats in lush aquatic environments.
  • Water Quality Enhancement: The plant's photosynthesis process contributes to oxygenating the water, improving the overall water quality and creating a healthier environment for fish.

Enhance your aquarium with Myriophyllum Matogrossense. Enjoy its vibrant beauty and create an underwater forest for your fish to thrive in.

Myriophyllum Matogrossense

SGD 2.00

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