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Product Details

3cm - 7cm

The CW028 or or Super Schwartzi Cory is a large growing, impressively patterned undescribed species of Corydoras found in parts of the lower Rio Purus and Solimoes in Brazil. Like most of their relatives, they will do best in relatively soft, acidic water on a fine sand substrate in the aquarium. As with all Corydoras, they are a shoaling species that should be kept in a group of at least 5 fish and will do well with nearly any non-aggressive tankmates.
✦Tank size : at least 20gallons or larger tank (30-40gallons) more space to swim and explore.
✦Water temperature: range of 72-78°F (22-26°C).
✦pH : 6.0-7.5
✦A sandy substrate with soft ,acidic water.
✦high-quality sinking pellets, frozen or live foods.
✦Avoid keeping them with aggressive or large tankmates.
Super Schwartzi Cory (Corydoras Schwartzi sp. CW028)
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