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Product Details



Product Description:
"Schwartz Corydoras - The Perfect Addition to Your Aquarium! Get these stunning and lively catfish that thrive in various water conditions."

Detailed Description:

Introducing Schwartz Corydoras, the ideal choice for aquarium enthusiasts seeking an eye-catching and lively addition to their aquatic haven. These beautiful catfish, also known as Schwartz's Cory, possess a unique charm that adds an enchanting touch to any tank. With their stunning black coloration and vibrant patterns, Schwartz Corydoras are a true delight to observe. Not only are they visually captivating, but they also offer several benefits to your aquarium ecosystem. Let's dive deeper into the details of Schwartz Corydoras and discover why they are an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.

Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Schwartz Corydoras prefer a temperature range between 72°F and 79°F (22°C - 26°C). Maintaining a stable temperature within this range will ensure their optimal health and well-being.
- pH Level: These catfish thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 to create a suitable environment for their growth and development.
- Water Hardness: Schwartz Corydoras can adapt to a wide range of water hardness levels. However, they prefer moderately soft to moderately hard water with a dGH (degree of general hardness) between 2° and 15°.

Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: A spacious aquarium is recommended for Schwartz Corydoras, as they enjoy ample swimming space. A tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons will comfortably accommodate a small group of Corydoras.
- Substrate: Use a fine-grained, smooth substrate like sand or rounded gravel to mimic their natural habitat. Avoid sharp-edged substrates that could damage their delicate barbels.
- Decorations: Provide plenty of hiding spots using driftwood, caves, and plants. Schwartz Corydoras appreciate a well-decorated tank with hiding places, as it helps reduce stress and promotes their natural behavior.

Tank Mates:
- Community Fish: Schwartz Corydoras are peaceful and social by nature, making them excellent tank mates for a variety of community fish. Compatible species include small tetras, rasboras, guppies, and peaceful dwarf cichlids.
- Avoid Aggressive Species: Keep them away from aggressive or fin-nipping fish, as Corydoras have delicate fins that can be easily damaged.
- Group Size: Corydoras are shoaling fish, so it's best to keep them in groups of at least six. Being in a group enhances their activity levels and overall well-being.

Feeding Habits:
- Omnivorous Diet: Schwartz Corydoras have an omnivorous appetite, and they will readily accept a variety of foods. Offer them a balanced diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen/live foods such as bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp.
- Bottom Feeders: Corydoras are renowned for their ability to scavenge and sift through the substrate for food. Ensure that the tank substrate remains clean and free from debris to support their natural feeding behavior.
- Feed Twice Daily: Feed them small amounts of food twice a day, providing only what they can consume within a few minutes. This approach prevents overfeeding and maintains good water quality.

- Water Quality: Regularly monitor and maintain excellent water quality to ensure the health of your Schwartz Corydoras. Perform routine water changes and use appropriate filtration to keep the tank environment clean and free from harmful substances.
- Observation: Spend time observing your Corydoras to ensure they are active, displaying healthy coloration, and behaving normally. Any signs of stress, disease, or abnormal behavior should be addressed promptly.
- Compatibility: While Schwartz Corydoras are generally hardy and adaptable, it is essential to select compatible tank mates and provide a suitable tank setup to ensure their well-being.
- Enjoyment: Sit back and relish the captivating beauty and antics of your Schwartz Corydoras. These lively catfish will provide endless entertainment and become a beloved part of your aquarium family.

Incorporating Schwartz Corydoras into your aquarium will not only add a touch of elegance but also contribute to a thriving and harmonious underwater world. Bring home these remarkable catfish and watch as they gracefully navigate your tank, captivating all who behold them. Order your Schwartz Corydoras today and create an enchanting aquatic paradise!

Schwartz Corydoras(SF0701)

SGD 42.00

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