Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product
Product Details
2cm - 3cm
SIZE : 2CM - 3CM
Discover the beauty of Blue Corydoras, an exquisite fish species for your aquarium. Explore their vibrant colors and playful nature today!
Detailed Description:
Introducing Blue Corydoras, the perfect addition to your aquarium! These captivating fish are known for their stunning blue coloration and lively personalities. With their peaceful nature and ability to thrive in a community tank, Blue Corydoras make a fantastic choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Let's dive deeper into the world of Blue Corydoras and learn more about their water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and care requirements:
Water Conditions:
Temperature: Maintain a consistent water temperature between 72°F and 79°F (22°C and 26°C).
pH Level: Keep the pH level within the range of 6.0 to 7.5 to ensure optimal health.
Hardness: Blue Corydoras prefer slightly soft to moderately hard water, with a dGH of 2-20.
Filtration: Adequate filtration is crucial to maintain
water quality and provide oxygenation.
Tank Mates:
Community Fish: Blue Corydoras are peaceful and sociable, making them compatible with various community fish such as tetras, guppies, rasboras, and livebearers.
Avoid Aggressive Fish: Ensure you avoid housing Blue Corydoras with aggressive or fin-nipping species, as they can cause stress and harm to the Corydoras.
Feeding Habit:
Omnivorous Diet: Blue Corydoras have an omnivorous diet, meaning they eat both plant matter and small organisms.
High-Quality Pellets: Provide a balanced diet by feeding them high-quality sinking pellets specifically designed for bottom-dwelling fish.
Supplement with Live or Frozen Food: Enhance their diet by occasionally offering live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
Suitable Tank Size: Blue Corydoras are relatively small, but they appreciate a spacious tank to swim and explore. Aim for a minimum tank size of 20 gallons (75 liters) to accommodate a small group.
Substrate: Use a fine-grained substrate like sand or smooth gravel to mimic their natural habitat. Avoid sharp substrates that may damage their barbels.
Hiding Places: Provide plenty of hiding spots with caves, driftwood, or plants to help Blue Corydoras feel secure and reduce stress.
Water Maintenance: Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are vital to maintain optimal water quality and prevent diseases.
Lighting: Moderate to low lighting levels are preferred, as Blue Corydoras come from habitats with dappled sunlight.
In conclusion, Blue Corydoras are stunning, peaceful fish that bring a touch of elegance to any aquarium. With their vibrant blue coloration and sociable nature, they are sure to captivate both novice and experienced fish keepers alike. Create a thriving underwater ecosystem by adding Blue Corydoras to your aquarium today!
Product Options
BLUE CORYDORAS ( CB-0202 ) x14pcs
Qian Hu Jalan Lekar
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