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Product Details

3cm - 6cm

Introducing the captivating and enigmatic Black Widow Frontosa (Cyphotilapia frontosa), a sought-after cichlid species known for its unique appearance and intriguing behavior. Originating from the rocky shores of Lake Tanganyika in Africa, this species is highly regarded among cichlid enthusiasts for its striking coloration and distinct social structure. Let's dive into the captivating world of the Black Widow Frontosa:
- Distinguished Coloration: The Black Widow Frontosa features a stunning combination of dark blue to black body coloration with contrasting white or light blue bands on its forehead.
- Prominent Hump: Adult males develop a prominent nuchal hump on their foreheads, adding to their distinctive appearance.
- Large Size: They can grow to a substantial size, with males reaching around 12 to 14 inches (30 to 35 centimeters) and females slightly smaller.
- Calm and Gentle: Black Widow Frontosas are generally peaceful and not aggressive toward other fish, making them suitable for larger community tanks.
- Social Hierarchy: They are known for their complex social hierarchy, where a dominant male oversees a group of females and subordinate males.
Tank Compatibility:
- Peaceful Tankmates: Black Widow Frontosas can coexist with other peaceful and similarly sized cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika.
- Avoid Aggressive Fish: Avoid keeping them with highly aggressive or territorial fish that may disrupt their social structure.
Tank Setup:
- Adequate Space: Due to their large size, provide a spacious tank of at least 100 gallons (380 liters) to accommodate their growth and swimming needs.
- Rocky Environment: Create a setup with rocky caves and hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat in Lake Tanganyika.
- Subdued Lighting: Provide subdued lighting to simulate the dimly lit waters of their native environment.
Feeding Habit:
- Omnivorous Diet: Black Widow Frontosas are omnivores, and their diet should include a mix of high-quality pellets, flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods.
- Varied Diet: Offer a variety of foods to ensure they receive proper nutrition and maintain their health.
- Water Parameters: Maintain stable water parameters within the following range: temperature 75°F to 80°F (24°C to 27°C), pH 7.8 to 9.0, and water hardness between 8 to 12 dGH.
- Water Quality: Consistent water changes and efficient filtration are crucial to keep the water quality pristine.
- Observation: Monitor their behavior closely to ensure they are interacting harmoniously and thriving in their environment.
Black Widow Frontasa (oo-4900)
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