Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


3cm - 4cm

Care Level




PH Level

6.8 - 8.5


Silver Platy Aquarium: Enhance your home with the beauty of Silver Platies. Easy to care for, these stunning fish will bring joy to any aquarium setup."

Detailed Description:

The Silver Platy aquarium is the perfect addition to any fish lover's home. These beautiful and lively fish, known for their stunning silver coloration, will add a touch of elegance and vibrancy to your aquatic display. With their peaceful nature and easy care requirements, Silver Platies are an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarium enthusiasts. Let's dive into the details of creating an ideal habitat for these delightful fish.

Water Conditions:

Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F and 78°F (22°C to 26°C) to ensure the well-being of your Silver Platies.
pH Level: Aim for a slightly alkaline pH range of 7.0 to 8.0. Regularly test and adjust the water parameters accordingly.
Water Hardness: Silver Platies thrive in moderately hard water with a dGH (degree of general hardness) range of 10 to 20.

Tank Setup:

Tank Size: Provide a spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 10 gallons (38 liters) to accommodate a small group of Silver Platies comfortably.
Substrate: Choose a fine-grained substrate, such as sand or gravel, as it mimics their natural environment.
Aquatic Plants: Introduce live or artificial plants, such as Java fern, Anubias, or Vallisneria, which provide hiding places and contribute to a more natural aesthetic.
Filtration: Employ a reliable filtration system to maintain water quality and promote the overall health of the aquarium inhabitants.
Lighting: Provide moderate lighting to support plant growth while ensuring there are shaded areas for Silver Platies to retreat to when needed.

Tank Mates:

Community Fish: Silver Platies are peaceful and sociable, making them great additions to community aquariums. They get along well with other peaceful fish species like guppies, mollies, swordtails, and tetras.
Avoid Aggressive Fish: Keep them away from aggressive or fin-nipping species, such as some cichlids or barbs, as they may stress or harm the Silver Platies.
Male-to-Female Ratio: For a harmonious environment, maintain a ratio of two to three female Silver Platies per male to prevent excessive male attention and potential stress.

Feeding Habits:

Omnivorous Diet: Silver Platies are omnivores, so provide a varied diet comprising high-quality flake or pellet food designed for tropical fish.
Supplement with Live/Frozen Food: Occasionally supplement their diet with live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, or bloodworms to enhance their nutrition and satisfy their natural feeding instincts.
Feeding Frequency: Feed your Silver Platies small portions two to three times a day, ensuring they consume the food within a few minutes to prevent overfeeding and water quality issues.

Care and Maintenance:

Regular Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes of 20% to 30% every two weeks to maintain optimal water conditions and remove any accumulated waste or toxins.
Water Quality Monitoring: Regularly test the water parameters using reliable test kits to ensure the ideal conditions for the Silver Platies.
Observation and Health Check: Observe your Silver Platies daily for any signs of illness or distress. Promptly address any issues by consulting a knowledgeable aquarium specialist or veterinarian.
Aquarist Community: Join online forums or local fishkeeping communities to share experiences, seek advice, and expand your knowledge about Silver Platies and aquarium maintenance.
Bring the shimmering beauty of Silver Platies into your home aquarium. These charming fish, with their graceful presence and easygoing nature, will captivate both novice and experienced aquarists alike. Create a tranquil aquatic environment, provide proper care, and watch as your Silver Platies thrive and enchant viewers with their vibrant silver hues. Order your Silver Platy aquarium today and experience the joy of these captivating fish firsthand.

Silver Platy (PP-2162)

SGD 2.50

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Panda Platy (PP-2162)


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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Qian Hu Jalan Lekar

Suitable Tank Mates for Silver Platy (PP-2162)