Unless otherwise stated, image is representative of species and not of actual product

Product Details


2cm - 3cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Size : 2cm - 2.5cm

"Botia Kubodai Aquarium: Discover the beauty of Botia Kubodai in your own aquatic paradise. Shop now for a captivating addition to your tank!"

Detailed Description:

Introducing the Botia Kubodai Aquarium, a captivating and vibrant aquatic setup that showcases the beauty of the Botia Kubodai fish. With its striking appearance and lively nature, the Botia Kubodai (Botia kubotai) is a popular choice among fish enthusiasts. This comprehensive aquarium package provides everything you need to create a thriving habitat for these fascinating fish.

Water Conditions:

✦Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 75°F and 86°F (24°C and 30°C) for optimal health and activity of the Botia Kubodai.
pH Level: Keep the pH level of the water slightly acidic to neutral, ranging from 6.5 to 7.5.
✦Water Hardness: The recommended water hardness is moderately soft to moderately hard, ranging from 5 to 15 dGH.
✦Filtration: Ensure efficient filtration to maintain water clarity and remove any toxins or impurities.

 Tank Mates:

✦Peaceful Community Fish: Botia Kubodai can coexist with a variety of peaceful community fish such as tetras, rasboras, danios, peaceful barbs, and certain cichlids.
✦Schooling Behavior: Botia Kubodai are social fish and are best kept in groups of five or more. The presence of their own species provides a sense of security and encourages natural behavior.
✦Avoid Aggressive or Fin-Nipping Fish: It is important to avoid housing Botia Kubodai with aggressive or fin-nipping fish, as this can cause stress and damage to their delicate fins.

 Feeding Habits:

✦Omnivorous Diet: Botia Kubodai are omnivores and accept a variety of foods, including high-quality pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small crustaceans.
✦Supplement with Vegetables: Enhance their nutrition by occasionally offering blanched vegetables like spinach, zucchini, or peas.
✦Feed at Regular Intervals: Feed them small amounts of food multiple times a day, ensuring they consume all the food within a few minutes. This helps prevent overeating and maintains good water quality.


✦Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended to provide ample swimming space for a group of Botia Kubodai. A larger tank is preferable if you plan to keep a larger group or include other fish.
✦Substrate and Decor: Use fine sand or smooth gravel as the substrate, as Botia Kubodai likes to sift through the substrate in search of food. Include hiding spots such as caves, rocks, and driftwood to mimic their natural environment.
✦Water Quality Maintenance: Regular water changes of 25% to 30% every two weeks are essential to maintain optimal water conditions and remove accumulated waste.
✦Lighting: Provide a moderate lighting system that allows for some shaded areas to mimic their natural habitat and reduce stress.

In summary, the Botia Kubodai Aquarium offers a mesmerizing opportunity to witness the beauty and unique behavior of these captivating fish in your own home or office. With their striking appearance, peaceful nature, and compatibility with various tank mates, Botia Kubodai is sure to become the centerpiece of your aquatic display. Transform your aquarium into a captivating underwater world with the Botia Kubodai Aquarium. Order now and experience the wonders of these fascinating fish firsthand.

Botia Kubodai ( LK-1271 )

SGD 2.50

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Botia Kubodai


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