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Product Details
10cm - 12cm
"Elevate your aquarium with a vibrant 10-12cm Yellow Golden Parrot! Known for their striking coloration and friendly demeanor."
Detailed Description:
- The Yellow Golden Parrot, scientifically known as Cichlasoma sp. "Yellow Parrot", is a captivating freshwater fish prized by aquarists for its vibrant yellow coloration and friendly nature.
- Originating from Taiwan, these hybrid fish are the result of selective breeding, resulting in their unique body shape and stunning coloration.
- Yellow Golden Parrots display a rounded body shape, a protruding forehead, and vivid yellow coloration that glows under aquarium lighting.
- Their large, expressive eyes and gracefully flowing fins enhance their charm, making them a focal point in any aquarium.
- Despite their unusual appearance, Yellow Golden Parrots exhibit graceful movements and a sociable demeanor, endearing them to aquarists of all levels.
Water Conditions:
- Optimal water temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C).
- pH range: 6.5-7.5.
- Water hardness: 5-15 dGH.
- Maintain excellent water quality through efficient filtration and regular water changes to ensure the health and vitality of Yellow Golden Parrots.
- Provide ample oxygenation and water movement to mimic their natural habitat.
Tank Setup:
- Yellow Golden Parrots thrive in a well-decorated aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, rocks, and driftwood to explore and seek refuge.
- Incorporate live plants such as Anubias, Java Fern, and Vallisneria to provide cover and create a naturalistic aquascape.
- Ensure the tank has a secure lid as Yellow Golden Parrots may jump, especially if startled or stressed.
Tank Mates:
- Yellow Golden Parrots are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates, including other peaceful fish species that share similar water parameters.
- Suitable tank mates include Tetras, Rasboras, Corydoras Catfish, Dwarf Cichlids, and peaceful freshwater shrimp species.
- Avoid keeping them with aggressive or predatory species that may harass or prey on the Yellow Golden Parrots.
Feeding Habit:
- Yellow Golden Parrots are omnivores and have a hearty appetite for a variety of foods, including high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
- Offer a varied diet to ensure nutritional diversity and promote optimal health and coloration.
- Feed them small portions multiple times a day to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.
Care and Maintenance:
- Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the well-being of Yellow Golden Parrots and maintain water quality.
- Perform frequent water changes of 25% every two weeks to remove waste and replenish essential nutrients.
- Monitor water parameters using a reliable test kit and adjust as necessary to maintain stable conditions.
- Keep an eye out for any signs of illness or stress, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or abnormal behavior, and address any issues promptly.
Yellow Golden Parrot10-12cm
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AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng
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