Product Details

  • Appearance:

    • The Xiphophorus Hellerii, commonly known as the Green Swordtail, is named for its distinctive elongated tail fin that resembles a sword, adding a unique touch to its sleek, streamlined body.
    • This fish typically grows to about 10-12 cm (4-5 inches), with males boasting a long, sword-like extension on the lower lobe of the caudal fin, often with bright red or green coloration.
    • The body can come in a variety of colors, including shades of green, red, orange, and black, making them a vibrant addition to any aquarium.
  • Water Conditions:

    • Temperature: The Green Swordtail thrives in temperatures ranging from 22-28°C (72-82°F).
    • pH Level: They prefer a neutral to slightly alkaline environment, with a pH level between 7.0 and 8.3.
    • Water Hardness: This species does well in moderately hard water, with a hardness level between 10-20 dGH.
    • Filtration: Good filtration is essential, as these fish produce a moderate amount of waste. Maintaining clear, clean water with regular water changes is crucial for their health.
  • Tank Setup:

    • Size: A tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended, though larger is preferable due to their active swimming behavior.
    • Aquascaping: Green Swordtails enjoy a planted aquarium with plenty of swimming space. Incorporating live or artificial plants, hiding spots like caves, and open areas will create a balanced environment.
    • Substrate: They aren’t particular about substrate type, but soft gravel or sand with plants is ideal for mimicking their natural habitat.
  • Tank Mates:

    • Green Swordtails are peaceful and generally do well in community tanks. Suitable tank mates include:
      • Other livebearers like guppies, mollies, and platies.
      • Small, peaceful fish such as tetras, corydoras, and rasboras.
      • Avoid aggressive species that may nip at their fins or cause stress.
    • It’s best to keep more females than males in the tank, as male swordtails can occasionally become competitive during breeding.
  • Feeding Habits:

    • Green Swordtails are omnivorous, and a varied diet ensures they receive proper nutrition. Their diet should include:
      • High-quality flake or pellet foods formulated for tropical fish.
      • Live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia to enhance their color and vitality.
      • Vegetable-based foods, such as algae wafers or blanched vegetables like spinach and zucchini.
    • Feed them once or twice a day in small amounts that they can consume within a few minutes, as overfeeding can lead to water quality issues.
  • Care and Maintenance:

    • Water Changes: Regular water changes of about 20-25% every week are essential to maintain water quality and prevent the buildup of harmful toxins.
    • Behavior: Green Swordtails are active swimmers, so providing ample space and a peaceful environment is key to ensuring their happiness and reducing stress.
    • Breeding: Swordtails are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live fry. Breeding can occur readily in aquariums with both males and females present.
      • A breeding tank or live-bearing box can be used to protect the fry from being eaten by adults.
      • Providing plenty of plants, such as Java moss or floating plants, will offer hiding places for fry.
    • Health Monitoring: Watch for common fish ailments such as ich or fin rot, which can occur if water conditions deteriorate. Quarantining new additions and maintaining good water hygiene helps prevent disease outbreaks.
  • Special Care Tips:

    • Cover the tank: Swordtails are known to be jumpers, so having a tightly fitted lid or cover is important to prevent accidental escapes.
    • Lighting: Moderate lighting will help promote plant growth and showcase the swordtail’s vibrant colors.

Xiphophorus Hellerii

SGD 1.00

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Xiphophorus Hellerii



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