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Product Details

1.8cm - 2cm

Neocaridina Davidi sp Snowball
The only Neocaridina shrimp that has white eggs that resembles snowball. Snowball are easy and great tank mates for your planted tank. They are peaceful and contrast well with your green scape.
Size: 1.8 – 2 cm
pH: 6.5 – 8
gH: 3 – 8
kH: 1 – 5
TDS: 150 - 220
Hey, shrimp enthusiasts! We want to keep you informed about our 100% pond-bred shrimps and a couple of potential parasites that may be present. We treat them upon arrival, but sometimes, Vorticella and Scutariella Japonica can remain dormant in the host. Don't worry, though—they're pretty harmless and easily treatable with epsom salt.