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Product Details
4cm - 6cm
Semi Aggressive
The Red-tailed Goodeid is known from a wide variety of shallow habitats including creeks, lakes, pools, rivers, and springs. The water may be clear or turbid, with little to moderate current (the fish preferring the more sluggish areas), and the substrate silty, sandy, or rocky. Plants are not found in any great abundance in these waters, but where sparse vegetation exists, it is primarily green algae and Ceratophyllum, Eichhornia, Lemna, Potamogeton, and Typha spp. The aquarium should be mature and as spacious as possible. The Red-tailed Goodeid is an active species that requires ample swimming space. It's behaviour can be somewhat unpredictable and a greater space and a plethora of visual barriers will help to minimise any belligerence. Provide plenty of hiding places amongst the decor, which could consist of tangles of driftwood, tree root ornaments, rocky caves, and areas of robust, dense planting - including floating species. Filtration should be efficient but water movement fairly gentle, and small frequent water changes will help keep nitrate to a minimum. Although some aquarists report success in keeping Red-tailed Goodeids alongside other fast-swimming, short-finned fish, others have found that tankmates have been injured or killed, so most concur that it is simply too risky. We would therefore suggest a species-only set-up for this confident, nippy species, with at least 2 males to every female to help disperse their amorosity. Keep as large a group as is possible (8 would be the minimum number recommended) as this will help to diffuse aggression by spreading it throughout the group so that no one fish is singled out and continually picked on. May also be seen on sale as Orange-tailed Goodeid or Redtail Splitfin.
Redtail Goodeid (1 pair)
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1 pair
The Fish House Yishun Chenchuru
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