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Product Details

4cm - 5cm

The Red Oranda and Red White Oranda Goldfish are both varieties of the Oranda goldfish, known for their signature "wen" (head growth) and beautiful, flowing fins. These color variations are prized for their striking appearance and are very popular among goldfish enthusiasts. Here's an overview of both types:
Red Oranda Goldfish:
- Appearance: The Red Oranda Goldfish is characterized by its solid, vibrant red or orange coloration. The entire body and fins are usually one consistent shade of red, giving it a bold and eye-catching look. The wen (head growth) is also typically red.
- Color Consistency: In some cases, the shade of red may vary across individuals, ranging from bright orange-red to deep crimson.
Red White Oranda Goldfish:
- Appearance: The Red White Oranda has a striking combination of red and white coloration. Typically, the body is white, with patches of red or orange on the head, body, and fins. The wen is often red, while the rest of the body may be predominantly white or have a mix of both colors.
- Color Patterns: The red and white coloration can vary greatly, with some Red White Orandas having more red than white and vice versa. The contrast between the bright red and clean white makes this variety particularly attractive.
Shared Characteristics:
Wen (Head Growth):
- Both varieties share the signature wen, a fleshy growth on the top of their heads, which develops as they age. This wen requires special attention to avoid infections, as it can trap debris and bacteria.
- The wen growth is usually more pronounced in mature Orandas, and its size can vary between individuals.
- Oranda goldfish, including the Red and Red White varieties, can grow to be 8-12 inches (20-30 cm) in length, including their flowing fins. Their large size means they need a spacious tank to thrive.
- Behavior: Orandas are peaceful fish, making them excellent companions for other fancy goldfish varieties. Their slow swimming nature means they should not be kept with more active fish that might outcompete them for food.
- Social Nature: They are social fish that do well in groups, especially with other fancy goldfish.
Tank Requirements:
- Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for a single Oranda, but larger tanks are preferable due to their size and waste production.
- Water Temperature: Orandas prefer cooler water, between 65-75°F (18-24°C). They can tolerate slightly lower temperatures but do not thrive in tropical conditions.
- Water Quality: Orandas are sensitive to poor water conditions, so a good filtration system is essential. Regular water changes are necessary to keep the tank clean and prevent infections in their wen.
- pH Level: They do best in a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0, but stability is more important than hitting a specific number.
- Tank Setup: Due to their long fins and delicate wen, avoid sharp or jagged decorations that could cause injury. Soft plants and smooth decorations are ideal.
- Feeding: Orandas are omnivores and should be fed a balanced diet that includes high-quality goldfish pellets, flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp. Blanched vegetables like peas and spinach are also good for their digestion.
- Swim Bladder Issues: Due to their round body shape, Orandas can be prone to swim bladder problems. Feeding them sinking pellets and avoiding overfeeding can help minimize these issues.
- With proper care, Orandas can live for 10-15 years, and in some cases, they can live for up to 20 years or more.
Special Considerations:
- Wen Care: The wen can sometimes become too large, obstructing their vision or causing health issues. Regularly inspecting the wen and maintaining clean water can prevent infections. In extreme cases, the wen may require trimming by a professional.
- Swim Bladder Issues: Like many fancy goldfish, Orandas can experience buoyancy problems due to their rounded bodies. Feed them high-fiber foods and avoid overfeeding to reduce the risk.
- Tank Mates: Orandas should be kept with other slow-swimming, peaceful goldfish varieties. Avoid housing them with fast or aggressive fish that may stress or injure them. Good companions include other fancy goldfish such as Ryukins, Fantails, and Lionheads.
- Spawning: Orandas are egg layers and can be bred in a home aquarium. Males chase females during breeding, and eggs are scattered in the tank. The parents should be separated from the eggs to prevent them from eating them.
- Fry Care: Once hatched, the fry can be fed powdered or liquid fry food. As they grow, water quality must be maintained to ensure their survival.
Care Level:
- Orandas are suitable for aquarists with some experience, as their wen and body shape require careful attention to water quality and tank conditions. However, with proper care, they are relatively hardy and can live long, healthy lives.
In summary, both the Red Oranda and Red White Oranda Goldfish are stunning additions to any fancy goldfish collection. Their peaceful nature, beautiful colors, and unique wen make them a favorite among goldfish enthusiasts.
Red or Red White Oranda Goldfish
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