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The Black Moscow Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a stunning aquarium fish with a velvety black sheen, ideal for peaceful community tanks and easy for beginners to care for.
Detailed Product Description: Black Moscow Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
The Black Moscow Guppy, a striking variation of the guppy species, is renowned for its intense velvety black coloration that captivates aquarists worldwide. These hardy and adaptable fish are perfect for beginners and seasoned hobbyists alike, offering both visual appeal and ease of care. Here's everything you need to know about keeping these exquisite guppies happy and healthy in your aquarium:
Appearance and Size
- Distinguished by their solid black body and flowing fins, the Black Moscow Guppy adds elegance to any tank.
- Males are smaller (1.5–2 inches) but exhibit more vibrant coloration, while females grow slightly larger (2–2.5 inches) with a rounder, less colorful appearance.
Water Conditions
Black Moscow Guppies thrive in well-maintained freshwater tanks.
- Temperature: 22–28°C (72–82°F) – Best kept in the mid-70s to low 80s for optimal health.
- pH Level: 6.8–7.8 – Slightly alkaline to neutral conditions suit them best.
- Hardness: 8–12 dGH – Moderate hardness mimics their natural environment.
- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons for a small group. Larger tanks (20+ gallons) are better for thriving colonies.
- Filtration: Use a gentle filter to maintain water quality without creating strong currents, as guppies prefer calmer waters.
- Water Changes: Perform 20–25% water changes weekly to ensure stable and clean water conditions.
Feeding Habits
Black Moscow Guppies are omnivorous and have diverse dietary needs.
- Diet:
- High-quality flake or pellet food as a staple.
- Supplement with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms for protein.
- Blanched vegetables (zucchini, spinach) provide additional nutrition.
- Feeding Frequency: Offer small amounts 1–2 times daily to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.
Tank Mates
These guppies are peaceful and sociable, making them excellent additions to community tanks.
- Compatible Species:
- Tetras (e.g., Neon, Cardinal, and Ember)
- Corydoras catfish
- Mollies, Platies, and other livebearers
- Shrimp and small snails (e.g., Nerite or Mystery Snails)
- Avoid Aggressive Species: Steer clear of fin-nippers like Tiger Barbs or large predators that may see guppies as food.
Care and Maintenance
- Lighting: Moderate lighting enhances their black coloration. Avoid overly bright lights to minimize stress.
- Aquascaping:
- Provide plenty of plants like Java Moss, Hornwort, or Amazon Swords for hiding spots and breeding areas.
- Open swimming spaces are crucial for their active behavior.
- Breeding:
- These livebearers reproduce easily; females give birth to fry every 4–6 weeks.
- Use a breeding box or dense plants to protect fry from being eaten.
- Health Monitoring:
- Watch for signs of common diseases like fin rot or ich. Quarantine new tankmates to prevent disease introduction.
Why Choose the Black Moscow Guppy?
- Perfect for beginners due to their hardiness and low maintenance needs.
- Stunning visual appeal with their deep black coloration.
- Ideal for peaceful community tanks and easy to breed, adding life and activity to your aquarium.
Transform your aquarium into a mesmerizing aquatic haven with the elegant and captivating Black Moscow Guppy. With proper care and attention, they’ll thrive and bring beauty to your tank for years.
Poecilia Reticulata 'Black Moscow'
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Poecilia Reticulata 'Black Moscow'

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