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Poecilia Reticulata ‘Albino Full Red’ is a stunning guppy with vibrant red hues. Easy to care for, it thrives in planted aquariums with peaceful tank mates.
Poecilia Reticulata ‘Albino Full Red’ – Complete Care Guide
Poecilia Reticulata ‘Albino Full Red’ is a breathtaking guppy variety prized for its striking red coloration, delicate albino features, and lively personality. Ideal for both beginners and experienced aquarists, this guppy thrives in well-maintained freshwater aquariums. With proper care, these fish add vibrant beauty and activity to any community tank.
Key Features:
- Scientific Name: Poecilia reticulata
- Common Name: Albino Full Red Guppy
- Origin: Selectively bred from wild guppies
- Lifespan: 2–3 years
- Adult Size: 1.5 – 2 inches (3.8 – 5 cm)
- Temperament: Peaceful, social, active
- Coloration: Intense red hues with translucent albino features
- Difficulty Level: Easy to moderate
Water Conditions & Tank Setup:
To ensure the health and longevity of Albino Full Red Guppies, maintaining stable water parameters is essential:
- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons (larger recommended for groups)
- Temperature: 72 – 82°F (22 – 28°C)
- pH Level: 6.8 – 7.8
- Water Hardness: 8 – 12 dGH
- Filtration: A gentle filter (sponge filter or low-flow HOB) to avoid excessive water currents
- Lighting: Moderate lighting enhances their red coloration
- Substrate & Decor: Fine gravel or sand with live plants (Java Moss, Anubias, Amazon Sword)
- Water Changes: 25–30% weekly to maintain water quality and prevent ammonia buildup
Tank Mates:
Albino Full Red Guppies are peaceful and sociable, making them excellent community fish. However, they should be housed with compatible species to prevent fin-nipping and stress.
✅ Best Tank Mates:
- Other guppy varieties
- Small tetras (Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras)
- Corydoras catfish
- Otocinclus catfish
- Shrimp (Amano, Cherry Shrimp)
- Snails (Nerite, Mystery Snails)
🚫 Avoid Aggressive or Fin-Nipping Species:
- Tiger Barbs
- Bettas (especially aggressive males)
- Cichlids
- Large predatory fish
Feeding Habits & Diet:
Albino Full Red Guppies are omnivores and require a varied diet for optimal health and coloration.
Diet Recommendations:
- High-quality guppy pellets or flakes (nutrient-rich and color-enhancing)
- Live foods (baby brine shrimp, daphnia, micro worms)
- Frozen foods (bloodworms, mosquito larvae, tubifex)
- Vegetables (blanched spinach, zucchini slices)
✅ Feeding Frequency:
- Feed small portions 2–3 times per day
- Remove uneaten food within a few minutes to maintain water quality
Care & Maintenance:
Albino Full Red Guppies are hardy but require regular maintenance to prevent diseases and ensure long-term health.
✔ Key Care Tips:
- Keep a stable environment with proper filtration and aeration
- Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations
- Maintain a well-planted tank to provide hiding spots for fry
- Perform weekly water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite levels low
🚨 Common Health Issues:
- Fin Rot: Caused by poor water quality; prevent with regular tank maintenance
- Ich (White Spot Disease): Treat with aquarium salt and temperature adjustment
- Swim Bladder Disorder: Prevent by avoiding overfeeding and offering a fiber-rich diet
Breeding Albino Full Red Guppies:
Guppies are prolific breeders, and Albino Full Reds are no exception. Here’s what you need to know:
- Sexing: Males are smaller with vibrant colors, while females are larger with a rounder body
- Breeding Setup: Provide a separate breeding tank (5–10 gallons) with dense plants for fry protection
- Gestation Period: 21–30 days; females can store sperm and give birth multiple times
- Fry Care: Feed baby brine shrimp or powdered fry food; separate from adult fish to prevent predation
Why Choose Albino Full Red Guppies?
✔ Vibrant, eye-catching red coloration
✔ Easy to care for, ideal for beginners
✔ Great for peaceful community tanks
✔ Fast breeders, perfect for guppy enthusiasts
Whether you’re an aquarium hobbyist or a breeder, the Poecilia Reticulata ‘Albino Full Red’ guppy is a fantastic addition to your freshwater setup!
Poecilia Reticulata 'Albino Full Red'
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Poecilia Reticulata 'Albino Full Red'

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