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Product Details


3cm - 4cm



The Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus), also known as the Bushynose or Bushymouth Pleco, is a member of the Loricariidae family of South American suckermouth catfishes.

The Pleco Ancistrus cirrhosus, also known as the Bristlenose Pleco or Bushynose Pleco, is a popular and attractive freshwater fish that is highly valued for its algae-eating abilities and unique appearance. Here's some important information about the Pleco Ancistrus cirrhosus:

  • Size: The Bristlenose Pleco typically reaches a size of around 4cm (1.5 inches) when fully grown. However, it can grow slightly larger in the right conditions, reaching up to 12cm (4.7 inches) in length.

  • Appearance: The Bristlenose Pleco is known for its distinctive appearance. It has a flattened body and a wide, round head. What sets it apart are the prominent tentacle-like extensions on the snout of the male, resembling bristle-like structures, hence the name "Bristlenose Pleco." These bristles are less pronounced in females. They come in various color variations, including shades of brown, black, and albino.

  • Temperament: Bristlenose Plecos are generally peaceful and compatible with a wide range of tank mates, including other peaceful community fish. They are known for their calm and non-aggressive behavior, making them suitable for community aquariums.

  • Water Conditions: Bristlenose Plecos can tolerate a range of water conditions. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. The temperature should be maintained between 23-27 degrees Celsius (73-81 degrees Fahrenheit). Good water quality and regular water changes are essential for their overall health and well-being.

  • Tank Setup: Provide a well-decorated aquarium for your Bristlenose Plecos. They appreciate hiding spots and resting places, so include driftwood, rocks, and caves in the tank. Live plants and smooth substrate are also beneficial. Adequate filtration is important to maintain good water quality, as Plecos produce a fair amount of waste.

  • Feeding: Bristlenose Plecos are primarily herbivorous and have a voracious appetite for algae. They will graze on algae growth in the tank, helping to keep it under control. However, it's important to supplement their diet with high-quality sinking pellets or wafers specifically formulated for bottom-dwelling fish. You can also offer blanched vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and spinach as occasional treats.

  • Breeding: Bristlenose Plecos are relatively easy to breed in captivity. They are cave breeders, and the male will guard the eggs until they hatch. Providing suitable caves or PVC pipe sections in the tank will encourage breeding behavior. The fry can be fed with specialized fry food or crushed flakes until they are large enough to eat regular foods.

The Pleco Ancistrus cirrhosus is a popular choice among aquarists due to its beneficial algae-eating capabilities, peaceful temperament, and unique appearance. With proper care and attention to water conditions, tank setup, and feeding, your Bristlenose Plecos will thrive and make a delightful addition to your aquarium.

Pleco Ancistrus cirrhosus 4cm

SGD 7.70

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