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1cm - 2cm

-The Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra, scientifically known as Hemigrammus bleheri, is a unique and visually stunning fish species that originates from the Amazon basin in South America. Here's everything you need to know about caring for Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra groups:
- Striking Coloration: The Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra stands out with its platinum white body and vibrant red nose. The contrast between the white and red creates a stunning visual effect, making them a focal point in any aquarium.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 24°C and 28°C (75°F-82°F) to provide optimal conditions for Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra groups. They thrive in slightly warmer water.
- pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 to replicate their natural habitat.
- Water Hardness: Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras prefer moderate water hardness, with a general range of 2 to 12 dH.
- Filtration: Adequate filtration and regular water changes are crucial to maintain excellent water quality and the overall health of your fish.
Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: A tank with a minimum capacity of 10 gallons is suitable for a group of five Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras. Provide ample swimming space and hiding spots with the use of plants, rocks, and driftwood.
- Plants and Decorations: Live or artificial plants, along with driftwood and rocks, can be added to create a natural and stimulating environment. Dense vegetation will offer hiding spots and create territories.
- Water Parameters: Ensure stable water parameters, avoid sudden fluctuations, and maintain good water quality to support the well-being of Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra groups.
Tank Mates:
- Peaceful Community Fish: Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras are peaceful and can coexist with other small, non-aggressive fish species that share similar water parameter requirements.
- Schooling Behavior: These tetras are schooling fish and thrive in the company of their own species. Keeping them in groups of five or more will encourage natural schooling behavior and reduce stress.
Feeding Habit:
- Omnivorous Diet: Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras have an omnivorous diet and readily accept a variety of foods. Offer them high-quality dry flakes or pellets as their staple diet. Supplement their diet with occasional feedings of small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to provide additional variety and nutrition.
- Regular Feeding: Provide regular feedings of appropriate-sized portions to meet the dietary needs of Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra groups.
- Water Parameters: Regularly monitor and maintain stable water parameters suitable for these tetras to ensure their well-being.
- Partial Water Changes: Perform regular partial water changes of around 25% every 1-2 weeks to maintain water quality and stability.
- Tank Maintenance: Clean the tank regularly, removing any uneaten food, debris, or excess waste to maintain water quality.
- Monitoring Health: Observe the Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra groups for any signs of disease, stress, or abnormal behavior.
The Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra is a captivating and elegant fish that adds a touch of sophistication to any aquarium. Enjoy their peaceful nature and stunning coloration as they gracefully swim together in a well-maintained aquarium. Bring home a group of five Platinum Rummy Nose Tetras and create a captivating underwater display!
Platinum rummy nose tetra 1.5cm x 5 pcs
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5 pcs

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