Product Details
2cm - 5cm
Penguin tetra 2cm X 5pc
Introducing the charming and lively Penguin Tetra, a delightful addition to any freshwater aquarium. Here's everything you need to know about these captivating little fish:
Appearance: The Penguin Tetra (Thayeria boehlkei) showcases a sleek and elongated body with a silver coloration that shimmers under the aquarium lights. Their most distinctive feature is a black stripe that runs horizontally from their snout to their tail, resembling the iconic tuxedo pattern of a penguin. They typically grow to about 5-6cm (2-2.4 inches) in length.
Peaceful Nature: Penguin Tetras are known for their peaceful and sociable nature, making them excellent community fish. They get along well with other peaceful fish species that share similar water requirements. Avoid keeping them with larger, aggressive fish that may intimidate or prey on them.
Tank Setup: Provide the Penguin Tetras with a well-planted aquarium that offers plenty of swimming space. They appreciate a dimly lit environment, so incorporating floating plants or using a dimmer light can create a more natural setting. Maintain a stable water temperature and ensure proper filtration to keep the water quality optimal.
Water Conditions: Penguin Tetras prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 and a water temperature between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit (22-27 degrees Celsius). Regular water changes and testing are essential to maintain the appropriate water parameters for their well-being.
Feeding: Penguin Tetras are omnivorous and have a varied diet. They readily accept high-quality flake or pellet foods designed for tropical fish. Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to provide them with essential nutrients. Offer a mix of dry and live/frozen foods to ensure a balanced diet.
Behavior and Schooling: Penguin Tetras are schooling fish and feel more secure and confident when kept in groups of five or more. They are active swimmers and enjoy exploring the aquarium. Watching them swim in unison is a sight to behold. Providing them with ample swimming space and companionship will help them thrive.
Care Considerations: Penguin Tetras are generally hardy and easy to care for. Maintain good water quality, provide a balanced diet, and ensure a suitable social environment by keeping them in a school. Regular observation will help you spot any signs of stress, disease, or aggression, allowing you to take appropriate action promptly.
Breeding: Breeding Penguin Tetras in a home aquarium can be challenging. It typically requires a separate breeding setup with specific water conditions, such as slightly acidic and soft water, along with ample hiding places for the eggs. Successful breeding may involve conditioning the fish with high-quality live or frozen foods.
Penguin Tetras are known for their lively nature, eye-catching appearance, and schooling behavior. Adding a group of these charming fish to your aquarium will create a visually striking display and add a touch of elegance to your aquatic world. With their peaceful nature and adaptability, Penguin Tetras are sure to bring joy and entertainment to any aquarist.
Penguin tetra 2cm X 5pc
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