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Product Details

Care Level



Semi Aggressive

Water Conditions

Pelteobagrus ornatus, commonly known as the Ornate Bagrid or Chinese Butter Catfish, is a species of catfish native to Asia. Here are some details about this freshwater fish:

  1. Distribution: Pelteobagrus ornatus is found in various parts of Asia, including China, where it is native to rivers and other freshwater habitats.

  2. Appearance:

    • The Ornate Bagrid has a distinctive appearance with an elongated body and a flattened head.
    • Its coloration can vary, but it often includes shades of brown, yellow, or olive, with a mottled or spotted pattern on the body.
  3. Size:

    • These catfish can grow to a moderate size, with adults typically reaching lengths of around 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm) in captivity.
  4. Habitat:

    • In their natural habitat, Ornate Bagrids inhabit slow-moving or still waters, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers, with sandy or muddy substrates.
  5. Behavior:

    • Pelteobagrus ornatus is a nocturnal species, meaning it is more active during the night.
    • These catfish are generally peaceful but may become territorial, especially during breeding periods.
  6. Diet:

    • As omnivores, Ornate Bagrids have a varied diet that includes both live and prepared foods.
    • In captivity, they can be fed a diet consisting of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp, and occasional vegetable matter.
  7. Tank Requirements:

    • Provide a spacious aquarium with hiding places, such as caves or driftwood, as these catfish appreciate cover.
    • Maintain a sandy or fine-gravel substrate to mimic their natural habitat.
    • Water temperature in the range of 72 to 78°F (22 to 26°C) and a slightly acidic to neutral pH are suitable.
  8. Compatibility:

    • Ornate Bagrids are generally peaceful but may not be suitable for a community tank with very small fish that could be seen as prey.
    • They can be kept with other semi-aggressive to peaceful fish that share similar water parameter requirements.
  9. Breeding:

    • Breeding Pelteobagrus ornatus in captivity can be challenging and is not as commonly documented as with some other catfish species.
    • Provide a suitable breeding environment with appropriate hiding spots and pay attention to water quality to encourage spawning

Pelteobagrus ornatus 3cm x 5pc

SGD 13.75

Product Options

Pelteobagrus ornatus 3cm x 5pc


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