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Product Details

Black Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri var. 'Black') – A Stunning Dark Variant for Your Aquarium

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The Black Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri var. 'Black') is a rare and stunning dark morph, perfect for adding elegance and contrast to freshwater aquariums.

Detailed Product Description


The Black Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri var. 'Black') is a unique and visually striking variant of the classic Emperor Tetra. With its deep, velvety black coloration and regal appearance, this fish is a prized addition to community aquariums. Its peaceful nature, hardiness, and elegant swimming behavior make it an excellent choice for beginner and experienced aquarists alike.

Key Features:

  • Scientific Name: Nematobrycon palmeri var. 'Black'
  • Common Name: Black Emperor Tetra
  • Family: Characidae
  • Origin: South America (Colombia)
  • Adult Size: Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
  • Lifespan: 5 – 6 years with proper care
  • Temperament: Peaceful, shoaling fish
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to moderate

Water Conditions & Tank Setup

To maintain a healthy and vibrant Black Emperor Tetra, the aquarium setup should closely mimic its natural habitat:

  • Tank Size: Minimum 15-20 gallons for a small school (5+ individuals)
  • Water Temperature: 73°F - 81°F (23°C - 27°C)
  • pH Level: 5.0 – 7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral)
  • Water Hardness: 2 – 12 dGH
  • Filtration: Gentle to moderate flow, as strong currents may stress them
  • Lighting: Low to moderate (helps enhance their dark coloration)
  • Substrate: Dark sand or fine gravel to complement their colors
  • Decorations:
    • Plants: Floating plants and dense vegetation for shade and security
    • Driftwood & Rocks: Mimics their natural Amazonian environment
    • Leaf Litter: Helps create tannin-rich water, promoting natural behavior

A well-planted tank with subdued lighting enhances the deep black hues of this tetra, making it a true showpiece in any freshwater setup.

Behavior & Tank Mates

Black Emperor Tetras are peaceful, shoaling fish that thrive in a community aquarium. However, they do best in groups of at least five to six individuals, as this encourages natural schooling behavior and reduces stress.

Compatible Tank Mates:

  • Other peaceful tetras (Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras)
  • Small Rasboras (Harlequin, Chili Rasbora)
  • Corydoras Catfish
  • Dwarf Gouramis
  • Apistogramma (Dwarf Cichlids)
  • Otocinclus Catfish
  • Shrimp and Snails (such as Amano Shrimp and Nerite Snails)

Tank Mates to Avoid:

  • Large or aggressive fish (Cichlids, Barbs, or aggressive Gouramis)
  • Fin-nipping species (Tiger Barbs, Serpae Tetras)
  • Predatory species that may see them as food

When kept in a well-balanced community tank, these tetras exhibit a graceful swimming pattern, occasionally engaging in playful fin displays.

Feeding Habits & Diet

Black Emperor Tetras are omnivorous and require a varied diet to maintain their vibrant coloration and good health.

Recommended Diet:

  • High-Quality Flakes & Pellets: Formulated for tetras or small tropical fish
  • Live/Frozen Foods:
    • Brine shrimp
    • Daphnia
    • Bloodworms (as an occasional treat)
  • Vegetable Matter:
    • Spirulina-based foods
    • Blanched spinach or zucchini (occasionally)

Feed them small portions 2-3 times daily, ensuring all food is consumed within a few minutes to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.

Care & Maintenance

Caring for Black Emperor Tetras is relatively easy, provided the aquarium conditions remain stable.

  • Regular Water Changes: 25-30% weekly to maintain water quality
  • Monitoring Water Parameters: Use test kits to check pH, temperature, and ammonia levels
  • Disease Prevention: Maintain a clean tank, avoid overfeeding, and quarantine new fish before adding them to the main tank
  • Breeding Considerations:
    • Provide a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water
    • Use fine-leaved plants or a spawning mop for egg deposition
    • Remove adults after spawning to prevent them from eating the eggs

Black Emperor Tetras are egg scatterers, and fry can be raised on infusoria or powdered fry food before transitioning to baby brine shrimp.

Why Choose the Black Emperor Tetra?

✅ Unique and rare color morph of the classic Emperor Tetra
✅ Peaceful nature, perfect for community aquariums
✅ Hardy and adaptable to a range of water conditions
✅ Enhances the visual appeal of planted and dark-themed aquariums

With their mesmerizing black sheen and regal swimming style, Black Emperor Tetras make a stunning centerpiece for any freshwater aquarium. Whether you're an experienced aquarist or a beginner looking to add a touch of elegance to your tank, this fish is an excellent choice.

Nematobrycon Palmeri var. 'Black'

SGD 1.55

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Nematobrycon Palmeri var. 'Black'


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