Product Details

5cm - 6cm

Introducing the Madagascar Rainbow (Bedotia geayi), a stunning and vibrant fish species that will bring a splash of color to your aquarium. These fish are native to the rivers and streams of Madagascar and are known for their striking appearance and lively behavior. Here's everything you need to know about the Madagascar Rainbow:
Striking Coloration: The Madagascar Rainbow boasts a vibrant color palette, with males exhibiting bold and iridescent hues. They have a deep blue body with shimmering shades of green, yellow, and orange along their sides. Their fins are beautifully adorned with shades of red, yellow, and blue, creating a truly mesmerizing sight.
Active and Playful Nature: Madagascar Rainbows are active swimmers and love to explore their environment. They are known for their energetic and playful behavior, often darting around the tank and engaging in small displays of aggression towards each other. Their lively nature adds movement and excitement to any aquarium.
Ideal Tank Setup: Provide the Madagascar Rainbows with a spacious aquarium that mimics their natural habitat. They prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of open swimming space. Consider incorporating rocks, driftwood, and caves to create hiding spots and territories for the fish. A gentle water current and regular water changes will help maintain optimal conditions.
Water Conditions: Madagascar Rainbows thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 and a temperature between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit (22-26 degrees Celsius). Ensure good water quality by using a reliable filtration system and performing regular water testing.
Feeding Habits: These fish are omnivorous and have a versatile diet. They will readily accept high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen foods. It's recommended to provide a varied diet that includes live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia to ensure their nutritional needs are met.
Compatibility: Madagascar Rainbows are generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful community fish. Avoid keeping them with overly aggressive or fin-nipping species. They do best in groups, so it's recommended to keep them in a school of five or more individuals. Compatible tankmates include tetras, barbs, gouramis, and peaceful bottom-dwelling fish.
Breeding Possibility: If provided with proper conditions, Madagascar Rainbows may breed in the aquarium. They are egg scatterers and will lay their eggs among plants or on spawning mops. The parents do not tend to the eggs or fry, so it's recommended to remove the eggs and raise the fry separately.
The Madagascar Rainbow is a captivating and colorful fish species that will make a stunning addition to your aquarium. With their lively behavior and vibrant appearance, they are sure to become the focal point of your aquatic display. Enjoy watching their playful interactions and marvel at their dazzling colors as they bring a taste of Madagascar to your home aquarium!
Madagascar rainbow 5-6cm x 5pc
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