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Product Details


2.5cm - 5cm



Lemon tetra 2.5cm X 5pc

The Lemon Tetra, scientifically known as Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, is a popular and vibrant freshwater fish species that adds a splash of color to any aquarium. Here's some information about the Lemon Tetra:

  • Appearance: Lemon Tetras are small and slender fish with a vibrant lemon-yellow coloration, hence their name. They have a sleek body shape and transparent fins that beautifully contrast with their yellow bodies. Additionally, they have a small black patch near their caudal fin, which adds a distinctive touch to their appearance.

  • Size: Lemon Tetras typically reach a maximum size of around 2 inches (5 cm) in length, making them a small-sized fish suitable for a variety of aquarium setups. Their small size allows them to be kept in community tanks without posing a threat to other fish.

  • Behavior: Lemon Tetras are peaceful and social fish, making them an excellent choice for community aquariums. They are known for their schooling behavior, so it's best to keep them in groups of at least five individuals to ensure their well-being and reduce stress.

  • Water Conditions: Lemon Tetras thrive in well-maintained aquariums with stable water parameters. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. The temperature should be kept between 72 to 82°F (22 to 28°C), and a water hardness of 2 to 12 dGH is suitable for their well-being.

  • Tank Setup: Provide the Lemon Tetras with a well-planted aquarium that offers plenty of swimming space. They appreciate the presence of live plants, driftwood, and rocks to provide hiding spots and create a natural environment. A dark substrate can help enhance their vibrant coloration.

  • Feeding: Lemon Tetras are omnivorous and will readily accept a variety of foods. They have a small mouth, so make sure to provide them with appropriately-sized food. Offer them a balanced diet that includes high-quality flakes, small pellets, freeze-dried or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Supplement their diet with occasional live foods to provide enrichment.

  • Tank Mates: Lemon Tetras are peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other peaceful community fish. Good tank mates include other small tetra species, rasboras, peaceful barbs, and small catfish species. Avoid keeping them with larger or aggressive fish that may intimidate or harm them.

  • Breeding: Breeding Lemon Tetras can be achieved in a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water. Provide them with dense vegetation, such as fine-leaved plants, and spawning mops for egg deposition. Conditioning the fish with a varied diet of high-quality foods can encourage spawning behavior. After spawning, remove the adult fish to protect the eggs and fry.

The Lemon Tetra is a visually appealing and peaceful fish that brings vibrant coloration to any community aquarium. With their social nature and ease of care, they are suitable for beginner and experienced aquarists alike. By providing them with suitable tank conditions and companions, you can enjoy the lively presence and beauty of Lemon Tetras in your own aquatic setup.

Lemon tetra 2.5cm X 5pc

SGD 5.50

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye

Suitable Tank Mates for Lemon tetra 2.5cm X 5pc