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Product Details


7.5cm - 40cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

The L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco, scientifically known as Panaque nigrolineatus, is a fascinating and highly prized species in the aquarium hobby. With its distinctive broken line patterns and sturdy body, this pleco adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to any freshwater tank.


  • Distinctive Pattern: The Broken Line Royal Pleco features a unique pattern of broken, irregular lines running along its body, creating a visually striking appearance.
  • Coloration: Generally, they have a dark brown to black base color with lighter, contrasting lines.
  • Size: At 3 inches (7.5 cm), this pleco is a juvenile but can grow up to 16 inches (40 cm) in a well-maintained aquarium.
  • Body Shape: They have a robust body with a broad head, flat underside, and a strong sucker mouth adapted for clinging to surfaces and rasping on wood.

Water Conditions

To keep your L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco healthy and thriving, it is essential to replicate its natural habitat conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain water temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C).
  • pH Level: Slightly acidic to neutral water, with a pH range of 6.5-7.5.
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water, ideally between 5-15 dGH.
  • Tank Size: A minimum of 75 gallons is recommended due to their potential size and need for ample swimming space.

Tank Setup

Creating a suitable environment for the L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco involves mimicking its natural habitat, which includes:

  • Substrate: Use smooth gravel or sand to protect their sensitive barbels.
  • Decor: Provide plenty of hiding spots using driftwood, rocks, and caves. They are known to rasp on driftwood, which is essential for their diet and digestive health.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting to create a comfortable environment, mimicking their natural, shaded river habitats.


  • Wood-Eating: The Royal Pleco is a xylophagous species, meaning it feeds on wood. Driftwood is essential in their tank for them to rasp on.
  • Omnivorous: In addition to wood, they consume a variety of foods including algae wafers, fresh vegetables (such as zucchini, cucumber, and spinach), and occasional protein sources like bloodworms and shrimp.
  • Feeding Schedule: Feed them small amounts once or twice a day, ensuring a varied diet to meet their nutritional needs.

Behavior and Compatibility

  • Peaceful Nature: These plecos are generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish. They are more active at night and during feeding times.
  • Tank Mates: Suitable tank mates include tetras, rasboras, peaceful cichlids, and other community fish that share similar water requirements. Avoid housing them with overly aggressive or territorial species.

Maintenance Level

  • Intermediate: The L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco requires an intermediate level of care. They need specific water conditions and a well-maintained environment to thrive.
  • Water Quality: Maintain excellent water quality with regular water changes (at least 25% weekly) to keep ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in check.
  • Filtration: Use a high-quality filtration system to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated. Consider additional aeration to ensure sufficient oxygen levels, especially in a densely stocked tank.


  • Challenging: Breeding the Broken Line Royal Pleco in captivity can be challenging. It requires precise water conditions, a well-established tank, and suitable breeding caves.
  • Sexual Dimorphism: Males tend to have more pronounced odontodes (dermal teeth) on their pectoral fins and cheeks compared to females.


  • Aesthetic Appeal: The unique broken line patterns of the Broken Line Royal Pleco add a stunning visual element to any aquarium.
  • Peaceful Temperament: Their calm and peaceful nature makes them an ideal addition to community tanks with other non-aggressive species.
  • Wood Rasping: Their natural behavior of rasping on wood can help maintain the health of driftwood in the tank.

L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco 3”

SGD 42.50

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From AngelHub Aquatics Boon Keng

Suitable Tank Mates for L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco 3”