Product Details
Semi Aggressive
Scientific Classification: Ivancara adoketa belongs to the family Cichlidae, which encompasses a diverse group of freshwater fish commonly known as cichlids. Within the family Cichlidae, Ivancara adoketa falls under the genus Ivancara.
Distribution: The Adoketa cichlid is native to West Africa, specifically found in the Cross River system in Nigeria and Cameroon.
Description: These fish typically have a slender body shape with bold patterns and colors, making them popular choices for aquarium enthusiasts. They can display a range of colors, including shades of blue, green, and yellow, with distinctive markings on their bodies.
Habitat: Adoketa cichlids inhabit rivers and streams with rocky substrates and dense vegetation. They prefer slow to moderate flowing waters.
Behavior: Ivancara adoketa is known to be a relatively peaceful species compared to some other cichlid species. However, like many cichlids, they can be territorial, especially during breeding periods. In the wild, they feed on small invertebrates, algae, and plant matter.
Aquarium Care: Adoketa cichlids are popular among aquarium hobbyists due to their striking appearance and relatively peaceful temperament. They require a well-maintained aquarium with plenty of hiding places, rocks, and plants to mimic their natural habitat. They can be kept with other peaceful fish species of similar size, but care should be taken to avoid aggressive tank mates.
Breeding: Breeding Adoketa cichlids in captivity is possible and can be rewarding for experienced aquarists. They are substrate spawners, meaning they lay their eggs on a surface such as a flat rock or a piece of slate. The parents will guard the eggs and fry fiercely, so it's essential to provide adequate hiding places for the fry to escape predation.
ivancara adoketa
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ivancara adoketa