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Product Details


3cm - 5cm



Add a touch of sophistication to your aquarium with the HB White Guppy—its striking black and white contrast creates an elegant, mesmerizing display that will captivate any aquarist!

The HB White Guppy (Half Black White Guppy) is a stunning guppy variety known for its elegant contrast of colors. It features a deep black lower body (half black) combined with a pure white upper body and tail, creating a striking and sophisticated appearance. Its long, flowing fins and graceful swimming movements make it a favorite among guppy enthusiasts. The HB White Guppy is an excellent choice for aquarists looking to add a touch of elegance to their tank.

Care Tips for HB White Guppy

  1. Water Quality:
    Maintain a pH level of 6.8–7.5 and a temperature range of 24–28°C (75–82°F). Perform weekly water changes (20–30%) to ensure a healthy and stable environment.

  2. Lighting:
    Moderate lighting enhances the contrast between the black and white coloration. Avoid excessive direct sunlight to prevent algae growth.

  3. Diet:
    Provide a nutrient-rich diet that includes high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to support their health and vibrant coloration.

  4. Tank Setup:
    A well-planted tank with a minimum of 10 gallons is recommended. Include floating plants and decorations to create a comfortable environment while leaving open swimming space.

  5. Tankmates:
    HB White Guppies are peaceful and should be housed with other non-aggressive fish such as tetras, mollies, and other guppies. Avoid fin-nipping species that may damage their delicate fins.

  6. Monitoring:
    Regularly check for signs of stress or illness. Ensure a stable environment with consistent water parameters to keep them healthy and active.

HB White Guppy

SGD 68.00

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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From Asri Aquatics