Product Details
6cm - 6cm
Introducing the Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail, a stunning addition to any freshwater aquarium. These unique snails, also known as Tylomelania sp., feature beautiful golden shells with dark spots, adding a touch of elegance to your tank. Here's everything you need to know about these captivating invertebrates:
Size and Appearance: The Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail typically reaches a size of about 6cm (2.4 inches) when fully grown. They have elongated bodies and a cone-shaped shell with a striking golden coloration. The shell is adorned with dark spots or blotches, creating a beautiful contrast.
Peaceful Nature: Golden Spotted Rabbit Snails are peaceful creatures that can be kept in a community aquarium with compatible tank mates. They spend most of their time grazing on algae and biofilm, making them excellent natural cleaners for your aquarium.
Tank Setup: Create a well-established and planted aquarium for the Golden Spotted Rabbit Snails. These snails appreciate a soft sandy substrate to burrow into and rocks or driftwood to provide hiding spots. Ensure that the tank has stable water parameters and suitable filtration to maintain water quality.
Water Conditions: Golden Spotted Rabbit Snails prefer slightly alkaline to neutral water conditions. Maintain a pH range of 7.0 to 8.0 and a water temperature between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit (24-28 degrees Celsius). Adequate water movement and regular water changes are crucial for their well-being.
Feeding: Golden Spotted Rabbit Snails are primarily algae grazers. They will eagerly consume various types of algae, including green spot algae, diatoms, and soft green hair algae. If the algae supply is limited, you can supplement their diet with sinking algae wafers or blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach.
Behavior and Care: These snails are generally peaceful and spend their time foraging on surfaces and grazing on algae. They may retreat into their shells if they feel threatened but will quickly emerge again once they feel safe. Provide ample hiding spots and areas with low lighting to accommodate their natural behavior.
Breeding: Golden Spotted Rabbit Snails are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young. However, breeding them in a home aquarium can be challenging. It typically requires a well-established and stable tank with optimal water conditions, abundant food supply, and separate breeding areas for the juveniles.
Care Considerations: Golden Spotted Rabbit Snails are relatively low-maintenance, but they require a clean and well-maintained aquarium. Regular water parameter checks, maintenance, and monitoring for any signs of disease or stress are important. Avoid exposing them to copper-based medications or high levels of ammonia or nitrites.
The Golden Spotted Rabbit Snail is not only a visually appealing addition to your aquarium but also serves a practical purpose by keeping algae under control. Their graceful movements and unique coloration make them a captivating species to observe. With proper care and a suitable environment, these snails can thrive and become a delightful part of your aquatic ecosystem.
Golden spotted rabbit snail 6cm x 5pc
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5 pieces