Product Details

1cm - 10cm

The Elephant Nose fish, scientifically known as Gnathonemus petersii, is a fascinating and intelligent freshwater fish that brings a touch of curiosity and wonder to any aquarium. With their unique elongated snout and ability to communicate using electrical signals, Elephant Nose fish are highly sought-after by experienced aquarists who seek a captivating centerpiece fish. Originating from Africa, these nocturnal fish are known for their peaceful nature and their interesting behaviors, making them an exciting addition to community tanks. Let's explore a detailed description of this remarkable fish, including essential information on its appearance, water conditions, tank setup, feeding habits, and care.
- Distinctive Snout: The Elephant Nose fish is named for its long, trunk-like snout, which it uses to detect electrical signals in its environment.
- Dark Coloration: They have a dark brown to black body coloration, helping them to blend into their natural habitats.
Water Conditions:
- Temperature: Maintain a tropical water temperature range of 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C) for the well-being of the Elephant Nose fish.
- pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 to replicate their native habitat.
- Water Hardness: Provide a soft to moderately hard water with a hardness level between 2 and 10 dGH.
- Filtration: Efficient filtration and regular water changes are crucial to maintain excellent water quality.
Tank Setup:
- Tank Size: Elephant Nose fish require a tank of at least 30 gallons (113 liters) to accommodate their size and provide ample swimming space.
- Aquascape: Create a natural environment with subdued lighting, dark substrate, and plenty of hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat in slow-moving waters with vegetation.
- Nocturnal Fish: Provide hiding places and dim lighting, as they are more active and comfortable during the nighttime.
Feeding Habit:
- Carnivorous Diet: Elephant Nose fish are carnivores and prefer live or frozen foods.
- Sensitive Electric Organ: Their long snout allows them to detect electrical signals from prey, making live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small insects highly appealing to them.
- Supplementary Foods: Offer high-quality frozen or freeze-dried foods as supplementary options.
- Peaceful Nature: Elephant Nose fish are generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful community fish species.
- Solitary Behavior: They are not schooling fish and prefer to be kept as solitary individuals or in small groups.
- Observation: Monitor their behavior and appearance to ensure they are healthy and showing no signs of stress or illness.
Elephant Nose 10cm
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Aquarium Fishes, Tanks & Supplies From FishList by DesmondLim Teck Whye