Product Details
4cm - 5cm
The Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara pulcher) is a stunning and vibrant freshwater fish that will bring a pop of color to your aquarium. With its electric blue body and elegant fins, this species is highly sought after by aquarists. Here's what you need to know about the Electric Blue Acara:
Size: The Electric Blue Acara typically reaches a size of around 5cm (2 inches) when fully grown. However, it can grow larger in the right conditions, reaching up to 15cm (6 inches) in length.
Appearance: As the name suggests, the Electric Blue Acara displays a striking electric blue coloration throughout its body. It has a sleek and streamlined shape with elongated dorsal and anal fins. Juveniles may have slightly different coloration compared to adults but will develop the vibrant blue hue as they mature.
Temperament: Electric Blue Acaras are generally peaceful and can be kept with a variety of tank mates, including other peaceful community fish. However, it's important to note that they can become territorial, especially during breeding or if they feel threatened. Providing ample hiding spots and territories within the aquarium will help minimize any aggression.
Water Conditions: Electric Blue Acaras prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 and a temperature between 24-28 degrees Celsius (75-82 degrees Fahrenheit). Good water quality is crucial, so regular water changes and proper filtration are essential.
Tank Setup: Create a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and caves for the Electric Blue Acara to explore and establish territories. Driftwood, rocks, and dense vegetation provide them with places to retreat and feel secure. A sandy substrate is recommended to mimic their natural habitat.
Feeding: Electric Blue Acaras are omnivorous and have a diverse diet. They will readily accept high-quality pellet or flake food, as well as live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small insects. Offering a varied diet ensures they receive all the necessary nutrients for their health and vibrant coloration.
Breeding: Electric Blue Acaras are known to exhibit parental care and can be bred in captivity. During breeding, the pair will clean a flat surface and lay eggs, which they will guard and care for until hatching. Providing suitable breeding conditions, such as soft, slightly acidic water and ample hiding spots, will encourage breeding behavior.
The Electric Blue Acara is a beautiful and fascinating addition to any aquarium. Its striking blue coloration, peaceful temperament (with proper tank mates), and relatively small size make it a popular choice among aquarists. With the right care and attention to water conditions, feeding, and tank setup, you can enjoy the vibrant beauty of the Electric Blue Acara in your own aquatic oasis.
Electric blue acara 5cm
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