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Product Details

SEO-Friendly Introduction (160 characters):
Eigenmannia vicentespelaea, a rare cave-dwelling glass knifefish, adds a unique touch to aquariums with its ghostly appearance and gentle, nocturnal nature.

Detailed Product Description


Eigenmannia vicentespelaea is a fascinating species of weakly electric knifefish found in Brazilian cave systems. Unlike other knifefish, it thrives in dark environments with minimal light, making it a rare and unique choice for dedicated aquarists. Known for its elongated, translucent body and undulating swimming motion, this species brings a mesmerizing presence to well-maintained aquariums.

Key Features:

  • Scientific Name: Eigenmannia vicentespelaea

  • Common Name: Cave Glass Knifefish

  • Origin: Brazil (Cave habitats)

  • Adult Size: 15–20 cm (6–8 inches)

  • Temperament: Peaceful, best kept with similar-sized tankmates

  • Activity Level: Nocturnal, prefers dimly lit tanks

  • Lifespan: 5–10 years with proper care

Tank Requirements & Water Conditions

Since Eigenmannia vicentespelaea is native to dark, slow-moving cave waters, replicating its natural habitat in an aquarium is essential for its well-being.

  • Tank Size: Minimum 40 gallons for a single fish; larger tanks recommended for groups

  • Water Temperature: 24–28°C (75–82°F)

  • pH Level: 6.0–7.5

  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–10 dGH)

  • Filtration: Strong biological filtration is required; sponge filters or canister filters work well

  • Substrate & Décor: Fine sand or smooth gravel, with caves, driftwood, and hiding spots

  • Lighting: Dim lighting or blackwater setup preferred to mimic cave conditions

  • Tank Mates: Peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, or other non-aggressive species

Since these knifefish rely on weak electrical signals for navigation and communication, avoid housing them with other electric fish (e.g., elephant nose fish) to prevent interference.

Feeding Habits & Diet

Eigenmannia vicentespelaea is a carnivorous species with a preference for protein-rich foods. Since they are nocturnal feeders, offering food during the evening or with subdued lighting is ideal.

  • Preferred Diet:

    • Live and frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and tubifex worms

    • High-quality sinking carnivore pellets

    • Occasionally, finely chopped fresh seafood like shrimp or fish

  • Feeding Schedule:

    • Feed once or twice daily in small portions

    • Ensure food reaches them before faster surface feeders consume it

These fish are sensitive to water quality, so avoid overfeeding, as decaying food can quickly deteriorate tank conditions.

Care & Maintenance

Eigenmannia vicentespelaea requires a dedicated aquarist who can maintain stable water conditions and a stress-free environment.

  • Water Changes:

    • 20–30% weekly water changes to maintain water quality

    • Use dechlorinated, conditioned water matching tank parameters

  • Health Considerations:

    • Prone to stress-related diseases if water parameters fluctuate

    • Monitor for signs of fungal or bacterial infections

    • Avoid medications containing copper, as knifefish are sensitive to it

  • Behavior & Social Interaction:

    • Shy and reclusive, often hiding during the day

    • Prefers to be kept in small groups (3–5 individuals) for social comfort

    • Emits weak electrical signals to communicate, detect food, and navigate

Why Choose Eigenmannia Vicentespelaea for Your Aquarium?

  • Rare and unique addition to specialty aquariums

  • Peaceful and compatible with a wide range of tankmates

  • Fascinating nocturnal behaviors and weak electric navigation

  • Suitable for experienced aquarists looking for a rewarding challenge

By providing the right environment, diet, and care, you can enjoy the captivating presence of the Eigenmannia vicentespelaea in your home aquarium for years to come.

Eigenmannia Vicentespelaea

SGD 8.24

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Eigenmannia Vicentespelaea



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